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Body Acceptance by sixrabbits

it’s not about saying what’s healthy and what’s not. Fat acceptance/Body Acceptance is about reminding people that being skinny isn’t the only way to be a person.

I watch my mother struggle with her weight constantly. She eats well, she does her best to exercise even when she’s in pain. She’s stressed and she’s miserable because her whole life she’s been told that her weight makes her less of a person. It breaks my heart to see anyone feel like they not a worthy of others’ affections or respect simply because of weight.

Telling someone they are a piece of trash because of their weight doesn’t help them. It doesn’t make the weight magically disappear. Nor does it motivate anyone to work out more. Why would anyone want to put in the effort after they have been made to feel like less of a person? Tearing other people down does not help them.
Stress eating is a problem for a lot of people. Feel bad, eat something indulgent, feel kind of better. When you tear down someone for their weight they will feel bad, and they will want to stress eat, and then they will feel even worse for wanting to stress eat, and that can lead to even worse results.

Fat acceptance creates a positive environment where people can feel like they are NOT worthless. When you feel okay with yourself, when you realize that you still matter as a person, then it is easier to live a healthy life. And sorry to burst some folks’ bubbles (no I’m not, haha) but being skinny does not automatically mean you’re healthy- take it from this skinny gal with my terrible cholesterol and all that- and being fat does not automatically make a person unhealthy. Every body is unique, and health is not as black and white as people think. It’s not a weight bracket.
Being 500lbs may not be healthy, but being miserable and full of self loathing on top of that will only make it worse. People have to feel like they are worth the effort to begin with. Being told that you are disgusting, ugly, not worthy of respect- that doesn't motivate most people to make a positive change in their life, if anything it's more likely to motivate them to end it.

So cut that negative, fat shaming, nasty talk out!!!!

I also just want all of you to know that you matter. I care about you, and I'm always available. I will not tell you how to loose weight unless you ask about it. Because it doesn't matter what you weigh, who you are inside is what will touch people's lives, and being skinny doesn't make up for someone being an absolute cunt.

With love and vitrol,

One mean skinny bitch

Body Acceptance


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    This journal makes me happy ♥

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    People are bizarre. They grump and moan about how people must be lazy and overeat or what have you and then they see this skinny person and they're like "Omg you're too skinny. You must be anorexic/malnourished. Eat a burger."

    Can't we just let the concern about the weight be left to the doctors and nutritionists?

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      Yeah, although a lot of the people who bash someone for being overweight usually don't care about someone being too skinny.

      I agree. A person's weight is no one's concern but theirs and their chosen doctor's.

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        To be honest, i haven't run in to someone who didn't make snide remarks about me being skinny.

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          It's always such a low blow to abuse people based on their body. Most people can't really help the way they look, or have dozens of other factors contributing to it besides "personal control" or "laziness".
          I've been give some of the same crap about my thiness, especially when I was anorexic (which doesn't help someone not be anorexic).

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    This, this, this, a THOUSAND TIMES this.

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      I would shout it from the rooftops... if my neighbors didn't hate me enough already.

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    If it was merely just other people not liking me I think I could handle it a bit better but when it interferes with finding a doctor (mental, physical EVEN DENTAL!) it's beyond disgusting and actually makes my health worse. I could go on and on about it (really I could) but thanks for the journal, it's all good words!

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      Yeah, it's bullshit that weight can be such a factor, especially when it only puts you in a worse place health wise. Sadly too, I know some people have been turned down for jobs, and a study even suggests that overweight people are more likely to be convicted by a jury based on some notion that they have less person control.
      Thanks. I could rant for hours about it too, and I haven't even been on the receiving end, but I just hate people being treated poorly for something that doesn't define them as a person.

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    Thank you. <3