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05 - nice by Macchabee

I have sought out therapy both at home and through my school. I also talk to an expert at the school to help me manage my time and juggle my assignments.

I have requested to go back on medication -- that is pending, I am anxious about how much it will cost.

I keep a calendar, use my phone reminders, and now have a time-management planner of sorts.

I keep in contact with my teachers and be sure they understand that I know where I'm at, I am not apathetic, and am trying very hard to prove I want to complete my time at school and earn my degree.

But lately, even my art is suffering. My personal/commissioned work is pretty stale. My assignments are done at the last minute and as quickly as I can muster.
Most of my assignments are late. I even made the mistake of vouching for an independent study. I made a good case for myself, in spite of my low GPA, that I was driven to essentially teach my own course and do some extra work for credits. It's not necessary and sophomores very rarely do them because it's time-consuming and they usually don't need the credits.
I'm still falling behind! I'm still wasting hours and hours every day just doing nothing.
The problem, I think, is that it doesn't bother me until the time is lost.

I don't have that alert, the guilt, the spur, whatever it takes to get people moving before the last second.
Maybe my perception of time is poor. I don't know anymore. All I know is that I've tried just about everything, I'm still floundering, but I guess it just comes down to me.

05 - nice


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    I used to do art assignments that were done at last min, or looked rushed and not enough time spent on it. However, I always have to avoid turning them in late. Sometime I would fake sick calls/emails in order to spend more time on my art. It's not end of the end, there will be always more time after finishing art college. Still, I was lucky to have some great work created during my time there. It wasn't easy due to having like juggling five teachers giving out load of homework whatever they feel like it. I did wasted time doing something else that is not art, reselling old stuff from many junk places as a way to take "vacation" away from the art college workload. No one is perfect, You can do it! My GPA is not the greatest, LoL. Something like closer to 3.0, but not 3.0. KEEP ON TRYING! You can do it! Keep pushing the workload weight off of the ground and hold it higher in the air!

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      ;u; aw hey... thank you for the thoughtful comment. I'm tryin real hard. Taking it somewhat easy this semester with only 4 classes, trying to put a lot of time into all of them instead of getting overwhelmed.