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Cyborgs and Feral Girls Dream by Runewuff

Dream last night I was cyborg (think shadowrun) in the bowels of a city made of heavy metal with more heavy metal pipes and machines on everything. I distinctly remember my left arm was a gun arm, and I was swapping out different weapons on it, most of them were these squared, sci-fi things that looked about as much as we'd expect a gun to look as people expected a plane to look before the stealth fighter rolled out.

With me was a feral girl I had adopted who was my personal medic treating other cyborgs with poppy seeds and cobwebs (like warrior cats). As a cat who was suddenly human, she was awkward at being a human, though she stayed on 2 legs and didn't do anything overtly animal, she spoke little, moved strangely. She had a worryingly high tolerance for being bare to the harsh, grimy environment, but never seemed to get dirty, and she didn't care about money. As long as I was able to buy her food and medical supplies, she was fine with that.

I suppose the whole relationship was inspired by Bioshock.

Cyborgs and Feral Girls Dream


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