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You don't know what you have until it's gone by Neme303

Hello watchers, followers, and friends

I've been quite a bit inactive for a while and I felt it was time to let you know what's up.

I found myself in a subtle depression. These bouts are typically bad because if you're not careful you'll slip into one and you won't realize it until it's too late and half your month is gone. Now I can feel many people already guessing, "Oh he's just upset because he doesn't have a girlfriend." While that's true and I have had difficulties in the past about that particular subject. This is not the case.

The actual reason is this.

On February 1, 2015, Monty Oum Passed away. Now I was never a Monty fan, I wasn't a fan of his series "RWBY," nor did I know much about him other than passing dialogue between the more vocal Roosterteeh employees. It was only after his death did i realize that Monty was almost everything I aspired to be in life. He was the type of person to just immerse himself in any project he was doing and he never stopped working on it even after the project was finished. Monty was the type to always ask, "How can I make this as best as it can be.?" He'd find his way, and do it.

Such an admirable skill.

But here's the beauty about that, above all, Monty loved his craft. from what his friends and family described he was never overworked, if he got tired, he's lay his head down and sleep, if he got hungry he'd go get a sandwich. He was just a normal guy with a plethora of ideas and a concept of time.

A real G

the part that really stings the most is now that I know just what an awesome guy he was, I'll never get to meet him.

And I will never get to shake his hand and thank him for having such an effect on my life.

I spent the last two weeks doubting my own craft.

"Will I ever improve?"

"Will this ever look right?"

"Can I actually learn to do proper composition?"

"Will I be able to have a positive effect on people's lives?"

These and many other questions have plagued me for the past two weeks. and they've slowed me to a crawl.

I am Deeply Sorry

Truth be told, Monty wouldn't accept being inactive for weeks, so it's time I get back into the swing of things.

as he would always say, "Keep moving foward."

Good-bye Monty

Rest easy.

You don't know what you have until it's gone


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