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Hello? This is Dog.... 2! by Bornes

So some of you may remember this short film, "Hello? This is Dog." (henceforth referred to as HTID)
Many people asked for a sequel, and I wanted to make one, I just had no idea how.
Well this morning, it fucking came to me out of the blue. It might be a cop out, I dunno, but it's a sequel and I actually have quite a few videos planned now for this series so if you don't like this idea then I'm sorry, pretend no sequels exist.

The short story is: I will make the 2nd video as soon as I get my new goggles, which I described in my previous journal entry. Those are due tomorrow. So, tomorrow the earliest, the video will be made. But likely some time this weekend, maybe even as late as wednesday next week.

The long story:
Reason why I'm waiting for the googles is so I can see while I do this. Previously, to film myself, I would utilize a guess and check system because I am blind and couldn't see shit without my glasses and they don't fit in fursuit. So I would set up the camera and tripod and kinda hope everything I did was in the shot, then I'd actually do the whole shot, then I'd have to take my fursuit head off to check the camera to make sure the shot was in the shot, and usually it wasn't, and then I had to repeat the whole process. It took forever and was really aggravating.

The prescription goggles will fit inside the fursuit head. So best case scenario, I can see myself in the camera when the screen is pointed toward me, worst case scenario, I save a few precious moments checking the playback by not having to take off the head every time. Hooray!


Believe it or not, originally HTID was supposed to be a comedy. Unfortunately, all my comedy needed someone else to play off of. My roommate wanted no part in my series and I didn't have any friends at the time of making it (I had JUST moved to Hawaii), so I was left to my own devices, to try and rewrite the script to be a one man play. Originally, HTID was going outside and interacting with the public and stuff. Not possible for someone who just moved to Hawaii with no friends and no separate crew haha.

So I rewrote it and edited it, and even the one comedic thing that stayed in (the food scene) fell a bit flat. The whole video came off super depressing. BUT PEOPLE REALLY LIKED IT ANYWAY. I still wasn't pleased with HTID because I thought that a fursuit video that was depressing was just... Could it really be a fursuit video??
But then it grew on me and today I realized that I should embrace it. What other fursuit videos have any other themes besides cute and happy??
So, the entire series is going to be pretty depressing. It's about a dog who was scientifically altered to be anthro, then his owner disappears and he doesn't understand what is going on. If I ever get more than myself to work on this, sure, a few comedic moments could occur (especially as my writing improves), but overall it's a sad, lonely movie, and it plays off themes from something I wrote a long long time ago, The Creation of the Furry.(I wrote this in maybe 2006?)

I haven't seen any fursuit videos that really play with how anthros are created. Usually it's just werewolf-type stuff. HTID isn't about a werewolf; it's about a little puppy that was altered. He is supposedly the first anthro ever created. I'm not saying HTID is amazing or anything. I am just happy that it exists, I guess.


It will be webcam based. Sorry not sorry.
There will be occasional videos that are 3rd person, when I can write them well enough they won't entirely suck. I cannot emphasize how difficult it is to write a one man story that won't have you falling asleep. Plus, I really like to keep my videos under 2 minutes, which has its own challenges when you want to get a story moving... with only one character. At least, it's challenging for me anyway. People on Vine are probably better writers than me. Some of them... A whole story in 7 seconds, damn. Anyway!

The second HTID, which is the first webcam video, is Dog figuring out how to use a webcam and calling out looking for his owner. Successive videos after that will be audience interaction and, eventually, an introduction of another character (FINALLY! Right?)

What do I mean by audience interaction? Depends on the audience. I have far more subscribers on Youtube than watchers on FA/Weasyl, so it's hard to say what they will do. Comments on HTID webcam videos will be answered in character, and I will allow video replies. We'll see what happens.
I may or may not (with a HEAVY LEANING TO MAY NOT) entertain other fursuiters and people trying to claim they are Dog's owner. But feel free to try anyway if you really want.

So, that's it, and I hope you all are excited as I am!

Hello? This is Dog.... 2!


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  • Link

    Watched your video on HTID, and I say you got something really nice going, hope to see this transgress further and further into the future.~

    • Link

      Thanks! The second one was posted the other day as well.