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Egg adopts VS full designs by Lioness

would anyone be interested in getting an egg adoptable instead of just a completed design? They seem relatively popular and I wouldnt mind giving them a shot, but I fear that it'd take a while to sell them if they sell at all, and I'd forget what the initial idea was behind each eggs 8( y/n?

Egg adopts VS full designs


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    I've always had more success selling egg adoptables, but then I don't have an initial idea behind the designs when I post them. I give people a form to fill out and they give me prompts, and using that plus the egg I go to town! Though some batches sell better than others, it's kind of a guessing game as to what will catch people's attention or not.

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      Hmm! Perhaps I'll give it a go then. Probably focusing on the design of the egg vs what it might become is easier?
      I suppose a basic form is important too, I will have to figure out what I'd like to be chosen by them vs my personal input on the design. Maybe stuff like body shape? Honestly I'd love to kind of give people more roundy characters but I know a lot of them would choose otherwise if given the option.

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        These are the options I offer on egg adoptables:
        Sex and/or Gender:
        Body Type/Build:
        Body Details (scars/piercings/etc):
        But I know what you mean about wanting to offer more body types haha I've gotten mostly slender characters but every so often someone wants a fat one and I'm happy :D

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          hmmm okay thank you! I think I know how I'm gonna make my form now 8)!!

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            I look forward to seeing what you come up with!