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Furnal Equinox Meme by QuyetPawz

Where are you staying?

Will be staying with koray and pyat

What day are you getting there?

Thurday, March 7


Monday, March 11


Combination of road trip (with acehart1, eikofinal, Mika Coon and Fuzzy) and GoBus.

Who will you be rooming with?

koray and pyat

Who will you hang out with during the convention?

Hopefully lots of lady furs and I'll be following koray and pyat like a lost puppy.

Want to meet sammypanther, equusreined

I also plan on bring a sketch book and pencils to poke friends to doodle in it, and for me to doodle in as well.

Will you be suiting?

Unfortunately not, QP is still being built by iceage

Which suits?


What is your gender?


How tall are you?


Are you taken? Are you looking for a 'mate'?

To be direct, I'm a lesbian, single and looking

Me being single doesn't give you the permission to aggressively hit on me.

Can I talk to you?


Can I touch you?

Always ask first unless I've given you the consent to randomly maul me. Consent is sexy.

How can I find you?

Twitter (QuyetPawz), Facebook (Quyet Pawz), or text messaging would be the best options!

Can I visit your room?

I have no room.

Will you be going to parties?

At this time, I don't know. I'm open to invitations.

If I see you, how should I get your attention?

Approach me from the front, wave, and ask for QuyetPawz/QP.

What/where will you be eating?

What's available to me. I'm already scoping out nearby pizza places.

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?

Ask at the time.

Can I take your picture?

Ask at the time.

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?

To attend my first furry con ever, meet lots of new friends

Furnal Equinox Meme


Journal Information
