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Trading card creations by SteamHealer

Since I'm new here I'll let you in on a little pet project of mine.
I have been working on and off on a trading card game. While I always promise to have a completed version at some point, and life is keeping me away from said promise (not to mention all the revisions and tips my friends gave me had made the game so complicated that I scrapped the game all together and went back to square one) I still managed to hold onto most of my old work and now I have decided to release all of my prototype card designs for use if anyone wants them.

In addition I'll be releasing three series of these prototypes that I'm debating on whether or not they will become the final version once the game enters the testing phase. If you are interested in testing the game once its ready I'll have a downloadable playmat and deck set up for just that.

Also, if you want a character of yours or an idea for a card once I finished fleshing out the rules, contact me and we can work out the kinks.

One thing to keep in mind, the images used for the prototypes have been procured from other games for display purposes only, after testing I'll have original images replace the demo ones.

Now if you excuse me, "The Flash" comes on in just a few minutes

Trading card creations


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