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Update 2015 by SBTW

hey every and it been awhile and year 2015, hope everyone had a good start for this year ^^. Though as you may know still not dead yet XD or inactive a bit, because been doing a personal project work that may take sometime as long there are no excuses from me that is XP. Anyways slow progress and schoool stuff X# yeah....not linking that very much. Though on to that topic would like to apologies fort he vent art i had drawn recently, after watching Insidious for the first time made me feel...well to put it kind of wuss, scream like a little girl then again not higher when completely scare and can't think anything else from that, then during school 30 break well was working on a side drawing of my Bamboo Pen and Intuos Pro Small drawings, was gonna drawn them as Anibots XP though idea changed from time to time, the original idea was to draw ironman armor. Ok to make it short, was focusing on the drawing and wasn't paying attention in class -.-...yeah... should work on that... So now with the assignment only a week instead of 2 kind of killing me in the mind and also very hostile thinking X#, and by hostile being very, very hostile. So yeah, after that been having negative thoughts, or self doubting or self pity.

So yeah been gettign better, a bit...but getting better ^^ though it come back up and biting me and the butt T_T...
well anyways that all take care ^^

Update 2015


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