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UPDATE: I'm your biggest cheerleader! by BlueNire

I'm still here, floating aimlessly like a chubby, timid little monster-fairy!
I've been shyly taking peeks at your works, letting them fill me with awe, knowledge, and wonder at the possibilities.

Truly, I've enjoyed from afar seeing how you all grow in different ways, building upon your foundations, slowly chipping away at your challenges and revealing new things, new experiences, new dreams.

-"Just vent art"-

It's been both terribly sad and weirdly encouraging when I see your vent artworks...
I can see that some of you are continuously struggling...
Maybe unintentionally, but beautiful things still spill from your efforts! I can see you, sitting there, mulling and tormented by your own personal struggles. At the worst times, your eyes filmed over with life's blindsides, unable to see past your aching wounds. But I must tell you that I can see that your muses are still unphased! Your creativity is an unyielding ,ever-vigilant comforter! Sure your creations may be filtered through your pains and struggles, but keep using it!

You tell us, your audience, that "this is just vent art- don't pay any mind...don't talk to me...."..but we know it's not "just vent art". We know it isn't "just". It's your medicine, your therapy, and cure, and how brave are you to share it with us?!

I like to see vent art as " I am bleeding, here....I feel like I'm suffocating, I am struggling, and I am hurting, or I am angry but I am here, and I am living and I am sharing a piece of me that I just can't hold in!"

It is both tragic and beautiful.

Do not feel ashamed of your scars, your open wounds, for there is always someone struggling with the same scars, the same bullies, the same struggles.

They say that misery is poor company but I wholeheartedly disagree! There is NOTHING as inspiring as seeing someone defying the odds, that in-spite of the struggle, the mental cages,... Steps are still being taken! Breaths are still being fought for!

It is never the comfortable, self sufficient hero, standing on a pedestal of " I made it!" that inspires me the most, it is always the ones at the bottom. The under-dogs.

So, keep drawing your vent art. It will help you will help you carry on.


I have flashes of a need to create- bright, strong flashes. Sadly, they are usually long gone before I can pick up my pen..but.
That is something! That is new! I haven't felt them in a very long time and now I have hope that they will pulse more frequently, and last longer and one day....

For you who create, in my mind you great ones stand on Olympus!

Please, continue to let your creations trickle down, no matter what worth you think they hold, and I will continue to let them guide and nourish me with every little crumb. In time I am hopeful that inevitably they will inspire me back to being a creator again, and I will be able to stand with you again!

-Love Nire

P.S. I get all heart-feelz when I eat a lot of ice cream. >.<

NO PRESSURE though.. like, totally do art for yourself!
The right audience will like what you like because it'll show in your work that you like it!
You are inherently inspiring, but that is by no means your duty.
Create because you enjoy it.
Be like a child with crayons.
PEACE, I'm out.

UPDATE: I'm your biggest cheerleader!


Journal Information



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    Your words are always very appreaciated and I am glad that you are part of this community! Thank you! I wish you all the best and keep my fingers crossed that, hopefully, those bright inspirational flashes keep on coming - and staying! :)

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      AAW Iam sooo happy you enjoyed reading! YOU ARE SO VERY WELCOME you're absolutely an inspiration and I just look forward to every piece you do! I wish you good times and I appreciate you taking the time to reply!! :D

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    This was so beautiful and it almost made me cry. <3

    Also I feel I should point out that this journal is a really nice indicator of how you're doing. It's hard to say for sure from just a few paragraphs but it really seems like things are starting to look up for you too. You seem at the very least in a better mood, if not truly happier. And that makes me happy c:

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      AAAW!! I hope you mean in a good way! (teary?)
      You really are one of the people I'm talking about when I was trying to convey the awe with which you are just GROWING- shoot- growing sounds slower. You are just an amazing AMAZING artist and I just- keep drawing! Keep creating and inspiring others! (People may be quiet about it (I know I don't say much!)) - but yeah!

      Thank you thank you for your support! I am really hopeful! The creative flashes are a WEEEEIRRRD twilight-zone kind of experience and they weird me out but- I'm excited too that it means good things!

      I always wish you the best, please keep creating- I'm really quiet nowadays but I think you're just so very inspiring!

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        Awwwww thank you so much! That's really great to hear <3 ANd you're inspiring too, whether you're drawing or not. Don't forget that, okay?

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    Aaaa jeeze I just read this and teared up a little. ;; This is fantastic to read, thank you so much for writing it. <3

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      Aaaaw I meant every. single. word. You are SOOOO VERY very welcome.
      I really hoped that I could get across that the artists here ( YOU, YES YOU! WOW SO AMAZING SO INSPIRING!! ) are absolutely amazing and I just really wanted to show my great admiration, and support as best I could!
      The minds ( and in turn, lives) of your audience is enriched by your creations!

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    vent art is immensely therapeutic, and incredibly powerful. the bulk of my work is in that realm, and i honestly believe that i'm better for it - for allowing myself to come to terms with how i've felt, or what i'm currently feeling. thanks for your journal entry, it's so nice to see this kind of encouragement :) also, i hope you are finding your own artistic ventures are blooming from the inspiration you seem to have gained from others :)

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      I'm glad you produce vent art! I genuinely feel that for creative people it's super-cathartic and theraputic! :D I'm happy to hear that you feel that you're better for it as well! :)
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read this journal, and I stand by every word! I hope it inspires you in some small way, knowing that I do want to encourage you to continue creating. I really mean that, you have my support and I wish you the best, in all things.

      Thank you for putting yourself into the world and allowing your creations to enrich others!

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    lol, you're adorable ♥

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      eeee! ::fangirls::