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Wanderlust Blues Update by Sid Bane

So, I've been doing some thinking about my comic (formally under the name "Road To Nowhere", and now going to be called "Wanderlust Blues") and I figured I could keep everyone up to date, if they are interested.
While I will be on the prowl for publishers and such, I will start putting it up as a webcomic. I'll probably start out putting it up on Tapatastic ( Once I've gotten things going on there, I will start putting it up on on both Tapatastic and an official site.
I will also re-format and take another stab at Patreon.

I'm pretty bad at self-promotion and such, so if anyone has any advice on what makes a good Patreon, how to promote it and all that shit, I'm all ears.

On a side note- I broke my toe yesterday. Needless to say the experience has not been a pleasant one.

Wanderlust Blues Update

Sid Bane

Journal Information



  • Link

    Looking forward to seeing where this goes! Sad to see Old Bones and New Meat end so soon, but this new project looks really cool.

    • Link

      Yeah, I was having issues with OBNM, mostly due to over-production. :P
      The writing on this new project is going smoother, though, so hopefully this will work out better.

  • Link

    Sorry to hear about your toe! I broke my finger once when I was younger.

    • Link

      Yeah. Walking around like a 5"10 Tiny Tim isn't exactly fun.