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Follower Questionnaire by Shadderstag

Spartadog posted this, and I think it's a fantastic idea. One of my New Years resolutions is to connect with my Followers more, so if you could take a few moments to fill this out I'd really appreciate it <3

1 - What motivates you to comment on a submission?
2 - What demotivates you to comment on a submission?
3 - Are you discouraged to leave a comment if the submission already has a lot of comments?
4 - Do you feel more inclined to leave a comment in a submission if the artist usually replies to its comments?
5 - Do you find me intimidating to approach? Why?
6 - What impressions do I give off (or, what do you assume about me)?
7 - Any suggestions you want to give?

Follower Questionnaire


Journal Information



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    1 - What motivates you to comment on a submission? The submission itself, if something really catches my eye, whether art-wise, subject-wise or written.
    2 - What demotivates you to comment on a submission? The artist's attitude, usually.
    3 - Are you discouraged to leave a comment if the submission already has a lot of comments? Yep, because chances are the artist won't see my comment so why bother (bad habit, I know.)
    4 - Do you feel more inclined to leave a comment in a submission if the artist usually replies to its comments? Not really, no... though it's always nice when they do!
    5 - Do you find me intimidating to approach? Why? Oh man um... honestly? Yeah. Mostly cause I don't know you at all, and I automatically assume people don't want anything to do with me so shrugs
    6 - What impressions do I give off (or, what do you assume about me)? i.. really have no idea. You seem rather nice and mindful of your followers, and you're a good artist.... that's about as far as my impressions go, mostly due to lack of knowing you.
    7 - Any suggestions you want to give? Not really, no! Depends on what, obviously, but off the top of my head I can't think of anything!

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      3 - I read every single comment I get. I may not always reply but I read everything.
      5 - I get this a lot xD I'm pretty easy to get alone with so long as the person isn't a huge bigot or something.
      6 - Aw, thanks! I really want to try and connect with my Followers over the next year (and beyond!) so I guess I should maybe work on the approachability huh?
      Thanks for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it!

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        :D I'm happy to see this reply! I think you're probably approachable to someone who's not uber shy, but I honestly have a looooot of problem approaching anyone haha

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          99.9% of my friends have anxiety problems (as do I) so this is toooootally understandable haha

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    1. Greed, essentially. I like comments so I try to give them whenever I can, time and personal anxiety-o-meter allowing. If I +fav something I try to comment as well; as an artist I find "46 favorites, no comments" really frustrating.
    2. Hm. I often go through tags to find art I like, so sometimes I won't leave comments on pieces that are really old, or if I've commented on a bunch of stuff from the same artist in a row. I also don't usually comment on really personal stuff, like vent art or memorial art, because I don't want to seem like a creeper.
    3. In... some cases? I used to olly out of comment threads that had a ton of RP in them, but that's more of an FA thing. A ZILLION COMMENTS ALL SAYING MURR is not so much a thing on Weasyl, thankfully.
    4. Nah, I recognize that most people seem to post primarily to other sites, and leave Weasyl as an afterthought. I don't expect comment replies, although they're nice if someone has a specific question about the piece/ character/art in general.
    5. Yes, I'm afraid that if you bite me, I'll become one of your kind. Wait. That's zombies. I mean no, you're cool.
    6. Uh... I have positive feelings about you mostly based on yelling together about anthro sharks. CLASPERS AND WHY THEY ARE NOT DICKS isn't something I can gripe about to just anyone, and that's special? IDK.
    7. Stream more, it's how I socialize. XD
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      1. I'm terrible for leaving comments, I'll be the first to admit. But I have days where I just comment on EVERYTHING and I have no idea why lol
      2. Shit I love getting comments on older pieces (even if a part of me is like "oh noooo where did you find that don't look at that it's so baaaaad") because it usually means someone liked my stuff enough to go through my gallery lol
      3. I feel like one of the only people who uses Weasyl as their primary. C'MON PEOPLE GET YOUR BUTTS IN GEAR AND GET OVER HERE
      4. I bonded with someone over videos of exploding whales once. I seem to bond with people over weird shit xD
      5. That's the plan! I really want to connect more with my Followers/fellow artists this year so hopefully I'll be able to Stream a lot more often! Thanks for replying, it is appreciated!
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        I use Weasyl as my primary! Granted that I have a third the followers here that I did on FA, but at least I can post transgender character art without people being outrageous dicks in the comments. Also, while I get fewer commission inquiries, I get about the same number of commissions (that is, people willing to pay the amount of money that I ask for things I am actually willing to draw).

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          Yeah I think I've got about the same in followers, but they're a lot more active/supportive than what I had over on FA so I consider it better. And yes! I actually get to draw stuff that I -gasp- /like/.