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hey folks by LycheeMonster

it looks like Weasyl is indeed becoming more of a gallery, long-term hosting for art. i might be taking down quite a few of my sketches and doodles and leaving this place for mostly finished work. which means it will be indeed more scarce.

if you want to follow my sketch blog where most of my sketches will be, it's at

news! i just finished my most stressful college term yet ; _; but now that it's done and i've fulfilled the requirements my school transition has gone smoothly. i wish i could say the same for this past year.

twitter is still the main place i communicate online with people now. i have a wonderful group of irl friends whom i connect with, but i miss all my online friends just as much. tumblr has played host to quite a few blogs and points of interest, including art. theres a lot of younger and enthusiastic people out there, and with as much schadenfreude i can stand, they're who i was just a few years ago. its both encouraging and awful but its pretty much a reminder of who i've been and where/who i want to be further.

self improvement is the name of the game at this point! ive said the same things i want to keep working on in the past. it continues!

hey folks


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    Start with your right foot and ever try your best, thats the recipe for all specially with school and job stuffs.
    It's nice to see you for here again.

    Weasyl ever looks more profesional than other places. I want to see what are your new submissions here :)

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    Just keep at it. Always strive to be the best you because it is a process that will never ever be finished.
    Also as long as you keep posting art here for me to have eye candy I'll be happy.