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Uploading Twincest by Malachyte

I apologize for temporarily flooding the site with the Twincest comic. I'll try to take a break every couple pages so other artists' work doesn't get lost in there :/

Thanks for your patience.

Uploading Twincest


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    Flood away!

    There's no way you could be as annoying as those knob artists on SF that upload 500-at-a-time and immediately land in my blocked filter *evil grin*

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      f-f-f-five HUNDRED

      How do they even have the time to write that many descriptions, holy cow!

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        My guess is they don't, and they just *click click click* through the upload screens 500 times. <.=.< recipe for carpel tunnel right there.

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          Ha ha, don't I know it *holds up wrist brace*

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          SF has a "Bulk Upload" feature.

          It's handy, but sometimes abused out of ignorance on how to use it properly.

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        The "Bulk Upload" feature where they upload a zip file of the art. I've been asking Toumal to put a cap on how many that can be in the dang zipfile *sigh*

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          I used the bulk upload for 22 pictures once. It was still very time consuming, but I did choose to write a description for every picture. I just can't leave it blank, ha.

          Yeah, a cap might be a good idea. I can only imagine the sheer amounts that may be uploaded sometimes. I bet that's why SF goes down sometimes :p