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Commissions open! by prayke

Hey, opening commissions (officially) again and I'm keeping them open until the end of the year! Here's what I have to offer this round:

Flat colored sketches - $15
Shaded bust or headshots - $25
Full-body painterly flats - $55
Full-body shaded - $75

Examples and more information can be found here -

Interested? Leave a comment or send me an email at

Turnaround time is quick and all slots taken before the 20th will be done in time for Christmas!

Commissions open!


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  • Link

    Do you remember the awesome cicada character you designed for me? I'd love to see more art of him from you his creator.

    Maybe two or three headshots/busts and 2 full body painterly flats? Or maybe shaded? He's an awesome character concept and the design just makes me so happy and like I said, it would be great to see him drawn again by you since nobody knows the design quite like it's concept artist.

    • Link

      I'd love to draw him again for you! Since you want multiple headshot/busts and full body paintings, what would you like the character to be doing in each (like a specific pose, expression, etc.?). Just let me know exactly what you'd like and we'll work out the payment!

      • Link

        Maybe for the busts just more of an exploration of his head/face shape from different angles? Or expressions? I've had feedback from other artists who have drawn him that they are confused by the design since he's an almost-never-drawn species. And I'd hate for other artists I commission to do your concept art and character design injustice.

        Maybe one full body front view of him for the same reason, just to better define how he looks from the front (even something rough would be nice). And one full body of him doing something miner-ly like swinging the pick ax or pushing a wood beam or coal cart.

        • Link

          I completely understand! I can get some sketches to you within the next couple days with some ideas on different angles and expressions. Perhaps, for the front-facing full body it would be best to draw it in the flat painterly style so that everything is clear, and then for the second miner-ly one shading would be best.

          For the busts, definitely one 3/4 view from the front, maybe another 3/4 one from the back (so that other commissioners have a good 360˚ idea of him), and one of him in full miner garb (as you have examples of miners and their clothing on your imgur page). What do you think?

          • Link

            Sounds great! Note me your paypal and a price.

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              So three shaded bust drawings - $25 each
              One full body painterly - $55
              One full body shaded - $75
              Total = $205

              Since the total is on the large side, if you prefer to pay $100 upfront and the rest upon completion, I would be completely fine with that. My paypal is

              • Link

                All righty! All sent. :)