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Con Story: In which I stare a man's leg for an hour (thinking it is missing) by FayV

Rather than doing a generalized report of con I decided to do a little mini series of stories about my adventures at mwff2014.
I will say I had an incredible time with deo as well as hanging out with sooo many incredible people. I really needed this con to refuel my batteries.

Now on to the main event

So, Friday evening I had the pleasure of attending a room party hosted by fayroe, we set aside our eternal undying feud for a few hours to chill out and drink a delicious variety of booze (like a goldschlager bottle without a single bit of gold in it). Deo, Pinardilla, and I all showed up and during initial introductions we noticed there was a prosthetic leg on the bed with a badge and bedazzled sandle on it.

Of course the question came up "why is there a leg on the bed?" to which one of the gentlemen (I don't know his name to this day, he was "Friday Night #13" and I forgot his actual name) he calmly replied, with a completely straight face "I needed to change my shoes and it was easier to change legs"

Now, if I were a smart person I would think of alll the reasons this didn't make sense. For instance the gentleman was white and the leg was dark skinned for instance. However I was so burned out from pre-con that my brain was fried and I began crafting a rather elaborate back story.

Here I was thinking "hm, this gentleman went through something tramatic and decided 'screw adversity' and owned it." I thought the leg was a temporary. A leg he had received during the time that they were still making the properly fitted prosthetic (which I thought he was wearing at the time) "why would it be dark skinned?" you ask. Well I thought perhaps he had a sense of humor about it "give me the dark one doc, it'll be funny." i'm not smart.

So I believed this explanation that it was indeed his leg. He was wearing full length pants at the time so I couldn't see his legs. I thought to myself "legs are cool, ask if he'll show the other one" but then thought "no, I just met this person, best not to simply ask that, it might be rude." Later his buddy (Friday night # 9) commented about having two jobs and #13 quips "his other job is juggling chainsaws" to which I thought of a little joke about that being how he lost his leg, then I thought "no, I just met him, he might think that's rude" so I didn't say that.

So the night went one. I glanced at his leg now and then, curious about the articulation at the ankle, because this looked like a real leg (ha) and I was curious how smoothly it would move. I swear he didn't move his ankle for an hour at least.

He sat next to me across the bed, he crossed his leg over his knee and still, still he did not move that ankle. I considered asking about it, but then just let it go because I was distracted by something else at the time.

Finally someone asked why the leg had a bedazzled shoe, to which Fayroe replied with a story about how there were 2 legs in the pawnshop where it was from....

Wait...waaaait. Something isn't adding up. If this leg belonged to #13 then how did the leg come from a pawn shop. Finally I looked to #13, his leg, back to him and said "that's not really your leg?"

It was not, that initial bit had been a joke. I thought someone was missing a leg for an hour and made up this backstory of him being some great survivor of adversity, taking that shit in stride and deciding "this leg, this goddamn leg is going to be part of me and who I am" and brought it to cons.

Sooo that's how I met Paul Legman. Check out his twitter @paultheleg

Con Story: In which I stare a man's leg for an hour (thinking it is missing)


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    Lol, that's awesome!

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    FayV, no words can describe this scenario. All I can say is I died laughing. We were a mess. I loved at how surprised you were once you also found out how many people knew of Paul. This con...I tell you.

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    Stare at it long enough, maybe it grew back.

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