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Like a motherfucking Phoenix, I rise from the ashes. by Cani Lupine

You know something? I'm fucking awesome. There's been so much shit that's happened to me this year, and yet I'm still standing with my head held high.

Went through a heartbreaking divorce that I didn't actually want, but felt I needed time alone to think. Not even a week after we move apart, she jumps on a new guy and tells me she's over our marriage. I left behind my home and friends in Oregon, moved to Ohio, then ended up getting into a fight with my roommate which led to me moving to Virginia. All of my belongings have been reduced to what fits in my car. I've got $2k in credit card debt, student loans, and car payments, so I don't have much left over.

But you know what? I've worked my ass off to keep my head above water, and now I've scored a full-time position as an automotive express technician. I've adjusted to single life, and I have people who would say yes if I asked them out. I've still got my dog, food in our stomachs, and a roof over our heads. I have friends to hang out with when I have free time. I have a local bowling furmeet when I can get the time off work.

I threw everything away and started a new life for myself on the other end of the country, and I'm doing pretty fucking good.

Like a motherfucking Phoenix, I rise from the ashes.

Cani Lupine

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