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Fa is fucked by Skidd

So who all is following me on here? Apparently my account is one on FA that DOESN'T send out notifications when I upload something. It's REALLY frustrating since bills are gonna kill me this month and I need to advertise my streams and YCH's. and FA just fucking WON'T.

Fa is fucked


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  • Link

    I'm starting to see a lot of artists in the same boat unfortunately. At least it's pushing people to expand a little, I suppose. It sucks though, you don't quite have the following here or on Twitter that you do on FA, but I'm sure many of your more loyal followers have you on here and Twitter, too, so hopefully that evens it out a little.

    Here's hoping you get your bills straightened out with or without FA. This is a stressful time of year for sure, even if it's not "supposed" to be.

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    I've heard a little about the shenans happening with FA but I don't really know much other than "shit's fucked, yo"

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    I'm following you. Haven't seen anything from you in a long time. May I think?

    I'd recommend always advertising and posting on multiple sites, even if you get the bulk or all of your business from one site. If you only have a presence on one site, when that site goes down (and you know it will again many times moving forward, when we are talking about FA) this happens. :/

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    I'm following you here too.

    Gettin' reeeeeeeeeeal sick of FA's shit. Hopefully when some big-name artists start getting sick of things and pack up, it'll inspire folks to finally jump ship. Because lord knows that's a long time in the making and can't happen soon enough. @_@

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    I'd suggest jumping ship, making Weasyl your main priority and encouraging your userbase to follow you here. Until FA starts to pull its act together, you're better off not keeping any eggs in that particular basket.

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    Yup. It's really weird to be following hundreds of people on FA and have like 9 submissions and 1 journal reaching me per day. :P

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    I'm watching here. I'm a big supporter of straight up abandoning FA, though I know for many it's not feasible. Between mismanagement, the site itself being in the stone age, and the seemingly constant technical hiccups, I can't really recommend anyone going there anymore.

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    Following you here too. Don't follow the advice of the people saying "disable your account and delete everything".

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    I actually do not follow you on FA. But I do here.

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    Yep, following you here. Just make an advertisement here. I'm sure you'll get enough hits.

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    Maybe this time people will actually remember that FA is slowly rotting and disintegrating from the inside because of a bad code-base and mismanagement.

    Either way, welcome to Weasyl again, I'm following you here. Can't remember if you have an InkBunny account as well or not.

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    I've been posting stuff here on Weasyl for a while just in case, and I'm glad I started doing so.

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    Hahaha. Sounds like FA.
    I've been suspended for a MONTH for doing a goddamn review.