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sick again by GlacierK

sorry for lack of updates, I've been unable to even look at my computer screen very much these past few days. I'm fighting off a flu bug for 2 weeks now (went through a bottle of antibiotics now and even got a flu shot today so I'm wicked tired) and also dealing with pain medicine withdrawal as I'm weaning off my pain patch because my whole body has been itching wickedly. I've been basically tired in all directions because of both of these issues, opiate withdrawal is way worse than I thought it'd be.

luckily I'm now on Oxycotin and seem to be doing a little better after a nap (withdrawal wise only unfortunately) so I'm still sick and unable to really work very well. Hopefully the Oxycotin is stronger than I am thinking it is, my irritability seems to have gone down and I'm feeling better pain wise.

so yeah, no updates, unable to really work very much, but if I do manage then yay. just expect to not get much updates for around at least another week. :C

sick again


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    Really sorry to read that you're not doing so well. I hate the fact that medications have to be so compicating ><; I had a hard time finding the kind of meds for the flu I caught myself and nothing worked except for sudafed. I'll pray for your well being :3

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      I'm actually doing a bit better since this journal, my dr put me back on hydrocodone because oxycontin was doing nothing to help. so I got a big stash of it now and she's frustrated that my surgeon doctor has yet to get me in contact with a pain specialist like they promised 2 months ago. so hopefully by january I'll be in contact with a specialist and won't be on meds that will destroy my liver. ^^;