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About My "People Leaving Weasyl" Rant by Scheknul

Let me start off by saying, my intent was not to defend rape culture. My intent was to persuade people into thinking about what they're doing, before acting. Rather than just blindly following, out of malice, anger, or grief. As a rape victim myself, I find it rather irritating when people point a finger at me, and scream about the defense of an apparent culture.
However, you won't see me raising banners, beating marching drums, or even begging friends to follow me, over a personal matter. That would not only be childish of me, but rude. I feel sorry for the person involved in the recent incidents, I really do. However, to suggest that I am a part of the problem, is just down right asinine.
You judge me, because I spoke in a firm tone, or, because I sounded angry. While I admit to being a little upset with people, I merely wished to express an opinion. However, I still find people spitting in my face over it. You wanted peace, right?
Then why do you perpetuate the violent cycle, by becoming cruel yourself? You're not helping anyone, nor are you assisting with the situation. When I suggested that people grow up, I was trying to suggest that people look down both ends of the street, before stepping into it. There is a fine line between sin, and sacrifice.
Yet, people tend to forget where the line actually is. Why some people remain in this community is a complete mystery to me at times. The amount of jealousy, jealous anger, anger, violent intent, etc. All this bad blood only begets more bad blood.
My final thoughts: Rather than leaving a website over something that happened, thinking you're doing the equivalent of the ice bucket challenge; Maybe you should consider the victim's feelings on the matter. Do they want you to leave? Probably not. There was a lot of scrambling being done.
However, it is human nature to make fault. It is up to us in the end to correct the fault.Getting angry shouldn't even be a step in anything you do, because it only makes things worse. So you heard something bad about something, or someone, from someone that's a friend of a friend.
Do you have the whole truth? Probably not. However, if you're one of the sheep who're leaving, you're probably only listening to half, or even a third of what's actually going on. It's kind of like the whole Furgeson thing. We only see the protests, and the violence.
We only hear what's enticing to our ears, and see what's allowed for our eyes. Mostly, it's just human nature at it's worst. Unfortunately, mob mentality rules a lot of people.

I'll only say this once though: You should grow a pair, before you pretend to have one.

About My "People Leaving Weasyl" Rant


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    I agree with this.

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      Unfortunately, there will still be people who treat me like a lepper for even trying. There will be those who agree, and those who disagree. The only problem with the people who disagree is generally, they rage. They're intent on being spiteful, and hurtful.
      I have yet to see more than 100 people in this community of millions, who are willing to actually sit down, and have a discussion. It's always quick, and sudden reaction. Like a bomb going off with words as the propellant for a rallying cry. They use their friends for shields, and fodder at the same time.
      They spread lies, rumor, and half truths around the internet. They try to create a sub culture of people who condemn you, and only you, for having a belief, opinion, or shady background. Once it's over though, there's usually more collateral damage, than any real good being done. They rant, and they rave like politicians, or a priest from the pulpit.
      They don't care if they have to throw people under the bus, as much as they don't care if they need to grab an innocent bystander to use them like a riot shield. There are too many people concerned with protecting themselves with a bubble of anger, than there are people being concerned, about being concerned. All too often, I see people go from talking, to throwing fists over the most minor thing. Then you've got people who use their mental inabilities, disabilities, or lack of understanding as a shield.
      All of this boils down into being unacceptable. Unfortunately, a huge majority would find it acceptable. Where did we go wrong? Did the world simply change so much, or did we as individuals merely begin to accept the nitty gritty, to use it to our advantage?
      I happen to be covered in invisible scars, but no one takes the time to ask me about them. Most people just go looking, digging for information on me, to use it as cannon stuffers. It's never fair to judge someone with antique information, flaunting it as if it's new. 80% of these people flout rules, or are secretly trying to disguise their bad behavior with a smile.
      Which brings me to this journal. People who are leaving, are doing it, because they don't feel safe. It's a website, and they don't feel safe. They're leaving, and taking everything with them, as if they posted credit card numbers, and their own social security number.
      The whole, "eek, shit, what did I do!?" Then, the moment anyone suggests that they calm down, and take a chill pill, suddenly it's world war 3. There's no more sanctity. There's not more sanctuary.
      There's no more places to hide. if these are the kind of people who freak out over this kind of thing, rather than what else is going on in the world, then I don't even want to know them. It means, they're too concerned with covering, or even protecting their own ass(es), than stepping up for those around them. Scape goat mentality.
      Mob rule. Mob mentality. The moment something goes south, it's a god damn domino effect any more, and it's sickening just how many people allow themselves to topple under the weight of the opinion of the masses who are trying to push them onto the next person in line.

      We need to learn to take a step back, look at the big, or even the bigger, broader picture, and think on it.

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        tl;dr version: 'Furries act like every day is Black Friday, and there's a sale on emotions.'

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    Trying to make the world a better place? Not on my watch Scheknul! baseball bats you to death

    There! Now I can get on with bitching about problems that aren't mine, so that i feel less insecure about my own failings! hmph

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    You do make a really hard point, but one that does need to be heard of.
    I left FA because of the never ending things the admins have done. (Though I am still on it, I am not considering as a main site).

    Still, I think you deserve a medal.

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      This is more of an edit, I felt like I just did a stupid move just now.
      What I meant to say is that I did leave FA for the most part, but the only reason why I did not abandon it is because of some friends that I know of. I consider it as a sub account, and halting on showing any more pieces on that site from here on out.

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      I have a medal. I beat stupid people with it like a flail.