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Commissions, Society6, how've ya been? by Meg James

Howdy everyone! Just a lil reminder that December 15 is when my commission prices are set to change, but until then you can still snag them at a lower price, because really I like giving some lead time on changing stuff!! As a reminder, fullbodies start at only $40, halfbodies at $35, and clean sketches are a flat $10 until December 15. Cool!

Another thing is Society6. I've heard about people using this site, as well as other sites where you put up your art and they make prints of it, or can put it on all kinds of other things too. That's neat?? I've got a few of my environment/scenery doodledoos up on Society6, then! I think that's pretty rad. I'm still a little unfamiliar with Society6.

There's other sites though, too, that do this kind of thing? I know RedBubble is one, I'm sure there are others. It's been hard to find better/worse comparisons though, so I'm curious what yall's opinions are of any of these - do you find some of them better quality, are they easier to use, you know? Some of them do different kinds of items I'm sure.

Other than that I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving for those of you who celebrated it! For those who didn't, I hope you've had a good Thursday and rest of the week as well!! What've you been up to? Do anything fun lately? Any grand adventures?

Commissions, Society6, how've ya been?

Meg James

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    I think those new prices fit your style a lot better. It's definitely worth paying up for. And I've never heard of Society6 but it looks pretty snazzy!

    Anyway, my brother was in town so my Thanksgiving was pretty good. Hope your's was good too! Did you do anything fun for it?

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      I'm glad to hear that! 8D

      I'd heard about Society6 here and there, but hadn't looked into it much. It's sort of a print on demand service and seems really handy for artists to use. I've seen a handful of cool people using Society6 (and similar sites) so I figured it was worth a shot!

      That's cool you had a good Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty uneventful, but on black friday, someone I barely know videocalled me and tried to do some card tricks. It was unexpected, but kinda interesting to watch.

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        I was browsing around your page on there earlier. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't totally eying the 'Upper Limit' picture you have there! I absolutely love that picture :D Though, my wallet is angry with me right now 'cuz Black Friday just rolled through and Cyber Monday is coming up now :T;

        My Thanksgivings are usually fairly uneventful too. I actually usually dread it because it's spent with my extended family. But they were nowhere to be seen this year! Ha! But anyway, that sounds like a better way to spend Black Friday than what I did. I actually love watching card tricks, or 'magic' in general. Of course I can't do actually do any of it because my hands are unforgivingly stubborn, but still!

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          Hahah, yea, the weekend after Thanksgiving is wild. I saw a bunch of artists who were having sales in their stores and such, and I always end up not buying anything because I'm like "oh no this looks cool but what if I find something else I want, and need the money ;A;"

          The card tricks were interesting, actually! I told him they made me angry because I didn't understand how they worked. He offered to explain it to me, but I didn't have the time because I needed to get back to some stuff @-@

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            That's how I am! Except, I want to buy stupid gadgets instead of art. I've been sitting and watching all the sales like a hawk, but refusing to get too many things in case some other gadget I want more goes on sale >:T; But I've still gotten enough things to make my wallet cry.

            And if you find out how to do some neat card tracks, let me know! >:3 Although I'd probably get frustrated even if I knew how to do them because my hands just wouldn't cooperate.