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Do You Get Offended When...? by AshCatArts

-Someone tells you that your character designs are really plain (in an offensive way)?

-You spend hours working on an image and get, LITERALLY, one word evaluations?

-Artist don't respond to your comments? (not the really popular ones with hundreds of messages)

-Someone doesn't own up to their part of an art trade? (not even late, just not at all)?

-You draw art for someone as a gift and they don't even comment on it? (You know their active)

-Someone call you a whiny bimbo for feeling offended about all of the above?

Do You Get Offended When...?


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    Ugh I feels ya ;-; I hate all of those things bleeehh

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    I can definetly see that. I'm sorry that people do that.

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      Don't be sorry, not your fault :p

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    Yeah definetly -_-

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    I really get offended when this person I know posts a bunch of journals before me and boots mine off the fucking front page so no one sees it purposely. I finally just blocked them since I was sick of putting up with the shit. Also, lots of their journals contradicted mine. They'd read it, and then make a rude journal with the complete opposite of what I'd said, like, "I am going back to deviant art."
    They'd make a journal saying, "Deviantart sucks and and only losers go there."

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      Lol they take the time to wrote whole journals and troll you by spamming them? Good gravy.

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    1. Depends on who the person is. If there someone I deem a bit lower in my skill them I don't really care what they say or do. Their opinion should not matter. Not to say lower of skill do not have an eye for art. I suspect its more in the case to make themselves feel better about themselves. Though the other side of the coin if some of my favorite artists told me my designs were plain in a offensive matter. I'd feel confused and hurt in a honest way. But I was taught in class to take the harsh reality of critiques. They felt I needed them in order to get better and progress. So every assignment was like throwing it into a hungry flame. You learn not to take critiques to heart over time.

    2. I don't get evaluations on a lot of my work. I think it's a bit of the norm when on the lower end. Though I'm lower end. As long as my friends think its something I should be proud of I will float on.

    3. I don't think I've ever been really ignored by another artist comment wise. Though there are ending of conversations. If it were to happen I just strike it as they find me uncomfortable in some manner. Simply do not want to speak to me. I'll seek other places to put my time into. People that would listen.

    4. I would be upset as it's a bit like a commission to me. You got hired to do something in payment of art in return. I frown on not holding up the end of the bargain. Though depending on case. I personally wouldn't upload it so they can't have it, and when they ask for proof you did it, I'd provide a image fill with parts of the image blacked out. Though I can understand when time an effort go to waste. But on the brighter side of the coin you showed you can full fill the request, if your learning like I. The more work you get full fill the better you'll be. Taking trades some of the time will provide you with a kind of customer service experience. I can say some people are laid back and others are picky as hell. Some expect business like tones or others expect a bit of casual friend. It's endless on things you pick up. I say it's loss in trade but you gain skills on the other coin.

    5. Normally my friends are quite happy to have gifts. I've never been in situation to not praise a gift someone gives me either. It would lead me to question if it was really worth it. What kind of people I'm gifting to. So to speak.

    6. Never happened to me, at least not directly. I rather support good practices in work and personal realms. To not speak your mind is to only allow the behavior go unpunished or uncorrected. Understanding others pains or gripes is part of being a healthier humane being. To take consideration some are a bit more sensitive then others vs the shells that shakes everything off. Even if you don't feel the same way I finds its better to keep view points. Though even I am not perfect in that ideal. xD

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      1. Now that you mention it, the person wasn't actually an artist from what i could see....

      2. Lol it IS my IRL friends i ask about the art XD . But they always have NICE one word answers i guess lol. Love em <3

      3. This answer makes me feel better and i'll take that advice.

      4.I suppose this is partially my fault, i'm very lax. I have now about 3 people who owe me art, one of which i finished a month ago and i see her opening commissions last week and it's like "you have time for commissions but not the colored sketch you owe me?" (it was supposed to be a flat color but...i though if i asked for something easier, they'd actually attempt to do it.) I know that makes it my fault too....not aggressive in the least lol

      1. Oh i'm never drawing for that person was fan-art but..i mean..they could have at least said "thanks" you know? was a whole soft-shaded piece.... Q...Q

      2. Hasn't happened to me either. Gotta have tolerance, patience and a tough skin on the internet!