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Finally got my new PSP 3000 by GuzzleMuzzle

My old PSP 3000's nickname is "Sparkster". My new PSP 3000's nickname is "Axel Gear".

Dark Siiide... XD (Rocket Knight Adventures ftw! :D)

The old one's screen was cracked even when I first hacked it, but this one is brand spanking new, straight out of the factory. :D Gonna be nice zoning out to Advance Wars 1 and 2 on this baby, as well as some Metroid Fusion and the Megaman Zero 1 I never beat, among other great Gameboy Advance titles. And Gameboy Color titles. And Original Gameboy titles. And NES titles~


Arrr matey... >;/


I'm so glad to finally have a PSP I can use away from my TV screen, for those cozy living room moments, and tense "men's room" bouts, LOL. XD

It's actually a birthday present for my upcoming birthday on the 29th of this month, but my dad saw fit to give it to me early, because "I'm a big boy". Just a perk of being 31 years old, amongst others I haven't even 'unlocked' yet, lol... x3

Finally got my new PSP 3000


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  • Link

    Cool, but I thought your dad was against video games, referring to them as the devils influence or whatever terms he uses.

    • Link

      It's pretty stupid. What he does is selectively disapprove of whatever facets of a game that he doesn't like, while nodding to others. This is a man who thinks that the Metal Gear Solid series is vaguely interesting even though he's never actually sat down with a MGS game before, because "Hurr, military shooters".

      Never mind how he believes that Wolfenstein 3D of MS-DOS is about as violent as any game should ever get, except in the case of Doom, because in Doom you fight "demons", so Doom is out of the question. Yup. Selective taste, lol...