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Using Artist's or Oc owners permission by Sapphirus

So this has been coming up a lot. As in Artists or peoples Ocs are being used without permission or stolen from people who can't afford to commission an artist or just to be an ass. I'm just gonna be blunt about this....

It's an ass move using someone elses art/character for your own pleasures, you didn't pay for the art/character. Sexualizing someone elses character is just as disgusting too, I heard lately some artists or character owners are getting really disgusting messages or pms due to their character's being used in negative RPs, by an unknown person.

I don't think the "Credit the artist, and we can get away with it" thing isn't any better, best you go an try to find the artist of the work, and ask their permission to use their work. If not, then don't use it at all.

I see this happening all over FurN on's just terrible, most pics are from that gross e162 w/e site, not my type of site. But still, EVERYONE mostly uses pics from that site in their descriptions, and don't even ask the artist to use it.

Example, I click someone (on an alt) they got "ref" in their desc, which leads to an el26 pic, which is the site most ppl use to snag a quick pic to use as a reference without permission. This is what the Ref linked to.

Another is this person, the pics are gross so I wont refer to the page exactly...ick, but it's still someone elses art this person is using without permission, and using it on a FList site. 4 pics for references lol...
and pics

Main point

Would you like your OC that you worked hard to create or a character you paid a lot to be made for being used by another? Without your permission? Especially from people who makes everything sexual in RPs and uses them on those ..,,,gross F-List sites and other sites...etc and roleplays them into sluts etc? I wanna see others opinions about it. I know a few artists who are ok with others using their characters, aslong as it's not used for monetary gains. That's fine.

I will add this to my commission rules though, I REFUSE to use a commissioner's stolen art they use as a reference, as a pic to do commissions from. It's an already made character from someone, so don't make an artist recreate a already made character you didn't pay for. Come up with your own damn character and stop stealing others. Descriptions work, start with that. I wouldn't want anyone using my Ocs, at all. Geeze. >_>

Sorry if that was a bit rude, but artists and OC owners got a right to be pissed off about this, I give them my sympathy... ._.

Using Artist's or Oc owners permission


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    Part of me is curious to what people would do to my characters. Like if I had the ungodly ability to keep track of every or if any is in use / stolen. Then pop in and correct all the behaviors they were trying to role play my characters in. (Like spying on their every move.) Being on the internet and in chat rooms frequently I'm easily very annoying. If they couldn't escape me I would most likely drive many away from my clan weirdos. But that is not an option. Though trolling the troll in my methods have proven most want nothing to do with me after they challenge me. I have no such power to inflict on the invisible so its all for not.

    Though before I ramble, to get back to the question. I feel a bit mixed up about it. I realize some on the younger side do not fully understand what they do or how they are truely effecting the owner of the character. Most would think its harmless fun not thinking about the consequences for themselves and the artist. Though that is a small excuse to many who would read this. Them yelling in many artist's faces its free cause it was on the interwebs. Crushes that idea quicker then a landfill on a mouse. I feel those who have uttered that statement have not contemplated much outside themselves to even grasp the artist's pains. The concept loses them as they have not developed enough to even begin said thoughts. (Even some adults cannot think outside themselves.)

    I've seen blatant art theft mostly on rp related sites. It's quite off putting to see as an artist. I had no idea rp existed when I was a child so I wasn't in their shoes. Though I can kind of see it. Your little, your broke, most use internet as a private escape, and even most not supervised by parents. I know I try to be an understanding person but if I found someone had used my babies in lewd acts I'd be furious. I don't care if my friends do it because I know they wouldn't steal and rip their souls from me.

    Art no matter if its a commission is part of our soul, our mind, and our beating hearts. We create things that show tiny reflections into ourselves. When someone takes that tiny reflection and changes it and abuses it. Putting myself in that shoe I could only think of tears. It would be like setting a fire to a painting you slaved over for weeks and even months. To have all the work and even emotional attachment burnt up to ash. Our characters are our wittle fictional babies. If any of mine were living and breathing they be spoiled rotten to the core like little divas and princesses.

    Though its that fire that makes me hate theft. I wish the concept that art isn't this free thing in life. Though at the same time. I try to believe in some of the old gizzards. The wisdom that in some realm the art we create is our standing moment where we can make a mark upon the world. To be remembered and even admired years after we are dead. Other professions do and don't have that opportunity. Though I feel as a collective mind we kind of share that somewhere together. (Most I would think?) But a concept I learned, people on a level create things so other's can enjoy them along side the creator. I feel its a dyeing concept but also it's an abuse concept now a days. When people rip it from the hands of the creator for their own person merriment. The line has to draw somewhere in the sand. Yes we do share this piece of ourselves in hopes you enjoy or even connect on some emotion or physical level to us. I feel in a way it's what happens to the old gizzards paintings. Art collector gather them up and make their own private collections. Even when the artist's whole life they wanted to share the beauty they created to the world and not someone.

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      In parallel I feel its lines up to this new age. I feel that people collect peoples characters / art as if they were private collectors. However in this technology age you can just about steal anything and have anything. Creating this mind if someone wants it, they will have it. Alot of this is reflected outside art. So many convenient things and every quick and easy to your finger tips. I'm learning I become less patient with people and things. I can safely say I feel a bit tainted by my surroundings and life.

      Though I feel this is my pondering on the subject. I feel it might only get worse till the day someone is going to mess with the wrong artist. The day when someone is thrown on the slab and made example to all. I wish more would post their success stories on the subject. Get people's hope up and fiery. That they don't have to roll over and take the abuse. When artists get more respect and understanding of their operations. To many still cling to the idea that we aren't even a "job" let alone a self run business or service. We are considered nothing more then a hobby and looked down upon and even scoffed at. (Least in my many experiences.)

      I'm in agreement with most when it comes to art thieving ways. It's wrong but I feel it's so layered case to case. To try and pinpoint one source or cause is to great for the many different situations. But when it's not just art theft but identity theft. that's a whole basket of subjects that are wrong to me. Its quite evil really. You could rip someones entire reputation in matters of mins or days if left unchecked. Personally it's not character theft but a form of identity theft. It'll burn most peoples hides because what ever they did with your character is now associated with that character and that character is associated to that unlucky artist. No artist wants to give up their babies because some moron decided to have a carnival in a false face. I feel some might feel forced to let that character go and its such a terrible feeling. Literately ripped from the artist's womb. To only save themselves from the associations and bad reps. Though I value the ones who are fighting for their babies even when they are dragged through the mud repeatedly.

      I wish there was more ground artists could stand on. Something that would be taken seriously at the mere mention of its name. But alas people take art for granted. Everything in the world has some artist flare or taste created or molded. Maybe it steams that no longer people see it as something to be amazed at or respected. People use to value artists much higher then they do now. I feel that temple has fallen until something great or historical happens. Bah! <<

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        Omg yes....I ran into people (ppl who just work, and don't have hobbies art related) accusing art not being a real job. Their jobs is usually something they hate in the end and they bitch and bash down others who use a personal talent or hobby to make a living. A job is a job, doesn't have to be all time professional to be considered a job.. I mean people sweep leaves for ppl in the fall for a quick buck, I bet they'll say that's not a real job either. How else movies, video games etc is made? Of course! Through art!

        Apparently enjoying your job = Not a real job LOL

        But yes, i'd be just crushed if I ever seen especially my main Persona aka Sapphirus stolen and used. I been working with her creations/and designs since 1998. I've had some ppl impersonate me or impersonate me into a trolling type of form too. That shit's uncool. :/

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          -I'm on my phone atm lol excuse weirdness in my typing lol.-

          I've been told to get a " real" job ever since I declared my college would be art! How funny it is I grew up with people praising me and my work. Even some of my harsher family secretly pushing and encouraging. Though if you ask directly they won't give you an answer. I know I'm not the greatest " yet" but to try and kill my fire will not succeed.

          I think what you say is true. I've met people just go for the highest paying jobs like accounting or doctors. Only because of the pay check. You spend your whole life molding into that profession. Rare that you'll get so in depth with another and in debt. ROFL. Most spending money earn to money gone to loans. I agree artist of all variety live in a realm where many envy. They made the wrong choices in life so they seek to make UA as miserable as they are. My dad could have become a famous boxer. He didn't and has turned in to a great pile of assholery. Almost everyone I know have fallen into the same pit. I've live maybe 1/3 of my life already and I don't remeber half of it. Lol shame on those souls Picking on others. Heads to far up in there rump to know what up or down.

          One could envy the old masters. Lived in better times to express artistically. I feel it only help where are today and most can't even take it seriously. I think its sort of why I dislike the masters. Living in times when they are valued but us we are cast to the side.

          That is a long time if I'm in the right ball park for age. I'd rip flesh from bone if people tried to take my Fang. Hell would rain with the blood of my victims! The demons would praise my coming to the next life!

          Trolls I wish they roll off the earth to never be heard again. Hiding behind walls of internet. If they had better ways for people to take responsibility for the crap typed on this internet world. So much of this would disappear. Death threats being taking serious by the courts. Harassment and identify theft would stop for they suffer consequences.

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    I understand how frustrating it is to have something you made or own, stolen and used without your permission...
    I could imagine it's much more painful when that something is dear to you, and represents you online, as if your own body.

    OCs or original characters are tricky. Because there's a chance someone out there, coincidentally, has a character that looks similar to yours. These chances increase the more simple the design is. Which creates issues, with people accusing one another of stealing their "oc", even if the design is super simple.

    However this isn't to say people don't steal art, and literally copy other people's characters, or online "avatar"...
    A lot of it has to do with people feeling "entitled" to everything on the internet. They think everything should be free.
    They feel as if there is no repercussions to them, and no consequences to others.
    "If it's on the internet, it's already free", and "I don't need to ask for permission" or "I can do what I want, if I just credit you"

    This is even worst when people pirate from small business, groups and people. Such as authors, artists and patrons.
    Who work hard to survive, maintain their careers and reputation, OR support creators and the arts.
    People don't seem to understand the importance of copyrights. They should be grateful that others-
    are willing to share pieces of themselves, and their work, online.

    Having people pretend to be you, your character(s) or "avatar" sucks.

    Because then you have to deal with the bullshit, that comes as a result. Such as strangers contacting you...,-
    OR people attacking you for things an impostor did, somewhere else online.

    I think the best way to discourage art thefts and impostors... (other than reporting or taking it to court)
    -Is to upload art at a low quality, with watermarks, signatures with links to your main account.
    (some where- were they can't crop it out)

    -Keep character references private, and restrict most character (or personal art) to friends only.
    (starting groups or things like that may be helpful in sharing art and stopping "drive by down-loaders")

    -Then last but not least, secure your name or alias at sites that are important to you.-
    Make a contact list of where you're online, "officially".

    I'm glad you're taking a stance against art thieves and impostors-

    who commission or steal art of other people, or their character(s) and avatar.

    However that's going to be difficult to achieve, because of how vast the internet is and how numerous people are.
    I can't think of any solutions that work best. The only thing that comes to mind is "reverse google image search",
    digging through character submission and refs. OR asking people around the net. Which can be time consuming...

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      Agreed, my persona character is difficult/complex, and people have complained about her just because of that. I prefer more harder designed character/s when I draw. It's more fun adding a bit more challenge to the Oc. I enjoy her, some many do too, got random fanart ot of nowhere which feels good.

      I made my own Watermark, only thing that bugs me is how much it can interfere with the art itself depending on how it's made, but I guess that's better than someone taking it. Im afraid ot just put on the side of the pic since people are know for finding ways to crop it off. =/