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Savrani Info ...stuff by Kaffee

Just gonna dump here what I typed to Kara
Typos and all ;;;;;
Will tidy it all up later.


Firstly, Savrani are tribal/clansy not in the barbaric sense, they just like to stick to similar types
When two types have babbies (they lay clutches of 1-5 eggs) they will likely give birth two either mixed or one type or the other. It's unsual for elemental Savarani to birth a different element than the parents or a mundane. Equally, it is unusual for two mundane to give birth to an elemental. The unsual is still possible

Attuned are not born that way, and mixed elemental Savrani cannot become attuned (same goes for mundane, of course). A Savrani reaches attuned when it reaches peak control and understanding of its element. It is then 'gifted' with new features and the limited ability to creat the elemnt rather than having to draw on those around it

Neither male nor female Savrani have boobs or particularly differing features. Height can range from 4.5 to 6.5 feet (humanish size). Maturity is reached around 15 years. Babbies are capable of eating whole foods as soon as they hatch and are equipped with fangs and claws. Parents can assume their child's element as soon as the egg is laid. Eggs with be approximately the correspoding color. Mundane eggs appear as an elemental egg, but the child will hatch with no gems.

A Savrani born with two elements can choose to weild both or give up one for the other. The second option is the only way a dual elemental Savrani can become attuned

Mundane are not exactly seen as lesser than elemental Savrani, though the differences may show socially and even culturally. Mundane still have roles within communities, typically simple tasks such as housekeeping and fetching supplies. Some mundane have branched off to create a mostly mundane clan, but the majority prefer to keep in the company of power elemental Savrani which serve as protectors against enemies and nature

Clans have leaders, which are typically an attuned Savrani. Leaders may be challenged, but unless the challenger is also attuned, it's unlikely they will succeed. If a non-attuned does succeed, he is expected to become attuned in order to be the best he can for his clan. Savrani aren't overall sexist. In fact, a female who becomes leader is doubly revered because she has proven she can not only protect and lead her people, but also bear and raise children at the same time.

Males are not expected to take care of children as females are. This is actually mostly because female Savrani become hostile during the incubation phase, to the point that even fathers can be chased off with fang, claw and/or magic if they invoke the ire of a mother

This kinda causes fathers to shy away from their children. On the topic of children, in the case that a child is born of an element atypical to the clan/parents, it is allowed to leave and join a better suited clan

Most traits are particularly special. Most come from gentic mutations over time due to cross-breeding. Cut gems are a cosmetic feature, though. A Savrani with cut gems is considered brave, audacious, foolish, etc. in much the same way a human getting a piercing or tattoo is. Cutting the gems permanently changes them, and actually lessens that Savrani's power. Most Savrani with cut gems are confident in their non-elemental skills or come from a wealthy group or family

Kara: In regards to non-elemental skills, are they kinda medieval tech, particularly do they use melee weaponry such as swords, axes, hammers?

nod That's actually really accurate. They tend to live in stationary villages. They're not really nomadic (some clans may be) They live in anything from tents (nomads) to stone brick houses (wealthy). They have lumber mills, windmills, forges, bakeries, butcheries, produce markets, festivals, all that fun semi-civilized stuff :>

They also have public executions =D

Kara: So barbarians.

Public executions are reserved for hefty crimes such as murder or treason. Most smaller crimes don't always lead to death, but if they do, they are either executed privately or assasinated

due to the clan nature, there's not a higher law. So it's up to each clan to decide the laws, and then there's the wealthy/powerful groups and families who get stuff done through fear and money

Kara: However, from a non-popculture, non-modern standpoint, the "barbarian" cultures were quite impressive. They had plenty of structure, even if nomadic. They focused on their connection to their religions and, despite often skirmishing with their fellow clans, tribes, etc they often would take their side over an outsider. Take for instance when Julius Caesar invaded Gaul, drawing the ire of many Gaulish tribes who would often fight one another, uniting against the foreign Roman invaders. Of course some saw fit to join Rome peacefully, but that's beside the point.

Oh yes, that's how the Savrani would be. In spite of being separted into clans and such, if an outside force were to threaten them, they would fight together for the sake of the Savrani as a whole

For lack of time and surplus of imaptience, I'm gonna jump into attuned already xD

Fire attuned look the least impressive, but they are my favorite~ Fire attuned develop glands on their tailbase and neck that produce a tar-like substance - really goopy and sticky and highly flammable. They gain holes in their "lips", palms, and tail tip. These hole can release both the goop and fire. They can leak this substance at will, which can be used to trap and burn targets. It is actualyy very useful that they have these holes on their hands and mouth in case they are ever bound and gagged. The goops doesn't harm them, of course :>

Their false ears (by the way all Savrani 'ears' are false, and they actually have normal reptile ears) are hollowed out and serve as steam/smoke release during goop sna fire production

Fire attuned tend to also grow a sort of sharp tail end that resembles a stinger, pinceers, or a blade

Savrani Info ...stuff


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    sounds spiffy

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      Thankies :>
      I still have lots to work out!