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On Marathons and Patreons by ProphetEKA

Copy-Pasted from the Biff strip
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First and foremost, let’s get the Halloween Midnight Movie Marathon news out of the way. I’m going to run ‘Reefer Madness’ and ‘The Screaming Skull’. I figure a film about drugs followed by a trippy horror flick works out pretty well. More details later as things shape up. = )

Now to the more important (and longer) topic - Patreon.

As you probably know, many an artist has sparked up Patreon campaigns as a way to help fund their long-term projects as of late. Like the classic Donate button rebooted, it has been allowing folks on both sides of the equation - readers and creators - a way to keep the things the love going without the hassle of trying to constantly sell folks on pricier items or the always undesired “I need to stop for a bit so I can make money” breaks. Trust me on that last one. -.-

Some might be wondering why the post? Why not simply start one and run with it. Well… I’m old school. I like knowing that the things I do actually bring in funds. It’s also incredibly hard for me to do things that seem like I’m asking for something for nothing. Not that the comic is nothing, mind you. It is the longest project I’ve ever done and it’s the only project folks continue to pay attention to; some even paying Actual Money to have products from. That’s… outstanding to me. It’s truly incredible and I’m beyond thankful for each and every one who swings by and reads my silly vampire strip.

That said… I still see Biff as something I’d do even if folks didn’t come. Both a good and bad mindset to have. It’s good in that I love making goofy strips about monster folks living their day-to-day lives. It’s bad in that I more often than not feel kinda’ terrible trying to monetize it. My hand-wringing over something as simple as the donate button I have o my page is damn near legendary. I had to put stuff on the other side of that button just so my mind would shut up about it. Oddly enough, Patreon comes along years later and really seems to be something that suits me and my situation.

Here’s where you, the reader, come in. I’m looking for your input as you’re the ones most affected. Would you like to see it as a monthly deal or a “Per Update”-type of deal? What kinds of offers would you like? Know that I’m still going to post the strip and I have no real intentions on putting any kind of comic content behind a pay wall. What I am looking to do is give folks a way to help support the this crazy mutual thing we dig and give me a chance to possibly pay some bills without having to take so many slow downs and breaks from the strip.

To add your input, just comment on this strip - No. 320: “Twice” - and I’ll see it (as well as keep it all in one spot over here). Hope to get something good before I attempt to dive in.

'Till next time! = )

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If you want to chime in, I added the link to the strip mentioned but you can always drop it here, too. = )

On Marathons and Patreons


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