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We're Camping Out on Weasyl by MothMonarch

Since FA is still kaput, I thought I'd update here for anyone still paying attention. :P

As I posted on FA shortly before the DDOS, I became pretty ill this past weekend. Unfortunately it put me out of commission entirely for several days, but now I am on the mend and even got a little work done today. I'm intending to be about 75% back to normal work-wise tomorrow and to continue to ramp back up over the weekend. My symptoms have cleared up aside from one of those annoying lingering coughs and a sense of fatigue that I'm sure will fade if I allow myself some extra rest. So commissions are pretty much back underway, if at a slightly slower pace to start.

I am currently FULL thanks to the queue of sculpted stuff here, but it shouldn't be long before I can accept more orders again. If you've been waiting for a comm, stay tuned!

Next weekend I will be attending Locust Moon Comics Festival in Philadelphia on October 25th! I'm not exhibiting but I will have some bug stuff with me and wouldn't mind doodling some for people if they manage to find me. After that, my next scheduled conventions are:

MFF '14 - Art Show; Dealer's Den International #93
FC '15 - Art Show only
AC '15 - pending but planning on Art Show and Dealer's Den

I'm also thinking of adding some cons that are relatively close to me such as Fur the 'More. Friends' reports of this past Rainfurrest have made me interested in that one though it would be more of an investment. We'll see.

My gallery here is a few items behind - I'll try to get it updated soon. Until then, I got some fresh bug stuff in the shop you really want to check out: cool Autumn and Halloween buttons (the latter GLOW IN THE DARK) as well as a brand-new, really different and awesome bugdana design!

We're Camping Out on Weasyl


Journal Information



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    gets some marshmellows

    The great Weasyl campout begins~

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      I have ghost-shaped Peeps, do those work?

      or chocolate-covered marshmallows 8D

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    I know I should be on this list...

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    Yay table buddies! Is it bad that I've been away from my computer for so long that I didn't even know FA was down... >.>

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      I dunno, but it's been down a while now. But yay, table buddies! :D

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    Glad to hear you're recovering! I got something similar a few weeks ago; the phlegm lingered on for about a week, but the coughing and exhaustion were more or less gone by then.

    You planning to come to Furnal Equinox in March?

    I really gotta commission you sometime for a little pic of my fursona as an ermine moth.

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      It's not looking good for me to do FE this year, but I'll let everyone know if that changes.

      I'd definitely like to do more commissions like that! Should have room in the queue soon. :D

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    Argh! But I just returned from Philly!! Will have to catch ya at MFF.

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      Aw dang! Hope to see you in Chicago, then!