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FA Downtime! by Aimi

Hello my little fluff-butts, Aimi here!

While FA is down, if you need to contact me feel free to do so here. I'm still not entirely sure how to work this site but I'll manage best I can. -snorts-

I'm not sure how long FA will be down for but in the meantime I'll be working on adopts since I cannot access notes for commissions. Blah

FA Downtime!


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  • Link

    in the same boat. Glad to see someone I recognize from FA though. -waves-

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    same here :/ but oh well ...

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    feelz, i know them

    I might as well do some adopts and personal art too.

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    I'd really like FA to hurry though.... I mean as much as I like weasyl, there isn't a lot of traffic here so selling stuff is hard ahaha.

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    I heard that Fa got some kind attack that messed the data or some thing and some other like so furry allso got attaked.
    This is what I heard so dont take it face value.

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    Just another point in the FA sucks bin, and people are still begging to go back, it's so sad xD FA needs to hurry up and melt down.

    I mean, it's not like moving to a different site would be hard. People are just lazy. If FA melts, we can spread the love on more competent sites. >.> At this point, I don't even care if it's not weasyl, as long as it isn't FA.

    (I have a lot of problems with FA, if you hadn't noticed.)

    Either way, hope to see you posting here again soon. :)

    • Link

      The traffic is better in FA. As an artist who makes income from there it's a reason I don't try on here. I've updated my gallery yet no comments or anything. I see even AMAZING art here go untouched. That is a reason why weasyl sucks.

      I have business over there and refs I need. We are NOT lazy.

      Just the community here sucks arse.

      • Link

        I didn't say the artists were lazy, I was referring to the commissioners and followers who are refusing to move from FA because the artists continue to do exclusive business over there. The reason you say the weasyl community sucks is because you don't have the audience. Well yeah, because they are a bunch of lazy shits that are sitting on their hands and relying on the shittiest website and admin staff in the world. Not even much of an exaggeration there!

        So, I'm sorry you got offended, but obviously you all are here, and some tried and are still trying. I want FA to die to force all the people supporting the artists to find another place to dig in. A better place for both them and the artists that they are just being too lazy to move to.

        A little bit of investment will go a long way. Like I said, I don't even care if they don't go to weasyl at this point, though I think weasyl is the best option personally, as long as FA dies.

      • Link

        You can go to whatever site you want to for whatever reason you want to. Your logic here makes no sense, though. You (presumably) got all of your data locked in FA while the site was down since you instruct commissioners on your FA profile to note you on FA. Yet you're championing a site that is losing you business. If your business on FA is what pays your rent then you ought to be outraged it was down at whom ever it was that let the site go down. If FA is down for two weeks Dragoneer is not going to pay your rent for you no matter how much you like him. Is your landlord going to take "Sorry, my furry art site is down because people on the internet are mean" as an IOU? You have 12 followers on an account that's over a year old so I think it's a bit of a stretch to say the community sucks because you've clearly not made any attempt to engage with it in the first place. :3

        You should at the very least take this as a wake up call to diversify your business to minimize points of failure related to FA going down since it's happened many times before and there's no reason to believe that the pattern will do anything but continue. Switch to Email instead of FA Notes, for example. (And you should not wipe your FA gallery or change your name as name recognition and reputation are important aspects of business but that's kinda beyond the scope of discussion here!)