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Ama Weasyl Wednesday by FayV

I'm stuck in office hours and need something to do for the next couple of hours, so while there's a little boost in activity I'm doing an Ama. Ask me about myself, trivia, philosophy, weasyl, whatever.

Ama Weasyl Wednesday


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  • Link

    Why did you join Weasyl?

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      Pretty much I like developing procedures and writing policies. I was working on another site at the time and wasn't really satisfied with my experience. I was offered a place in the development team for Weasyl and took a shine to it. It was nice being able to work from the ground up and fix problems that I was having with other sites.
      I like the staff, i like the site we've made, so I'm sticking around.

  • Link

    Are there any problems with the Weasyl community as it is now you arn't fond of? (In an unofficial capacity rather than as an admin specifically, although if you want to talk about that sure)

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      Hmm, to be honest that's a rather difficult question to answer. I never gave it a lot of thought in a Weasyl specific manner.
      The things I am often not fond of aren't really narrowed down to Weasyl, or really even the furry fandom. The things that bother me myself is things like people operating with false dichotomies. Like you're either a squeaky clean fur that hates people for expressing their sexuality, or you are a super dirty fur that is fine with every fetish. You're either an extreme of team a or extreme of team b. I just find it a bit frustrating, but again that's more just a habit of people.

      The weasyl related stuff is more related to my work as an admin, it's nothing serious. I get "bothered" sometimes when people have a problem but won't try to get it fixed, or will not describe it. So "I hate weasyl cause I had a problem they won't fix" "what's the problem we'd like to help" "I'm not telling you"

      Or "I see these violations and they aren't doing anything" "would you kindly report them so we can address it?" "I don't want to because I don't think you'll address my problem"

      But that's really any time I've been a moderator ever.

      There are certain groups in the weasyl community I'm not fond of, but it's something I don't think about much since largely if it's not illegal we don't moderate it, so I largely believe in live and let live.

      Ahem long story short, I think what I would like to see most is people actively tagging and reporting things and also seeing people interact with each other more rather than complaining that no one comments on anything, but I understand for the second that many people do and they are wary of the work it would take to build up a base again. so shrug i'm not one to really be bothered by things much.

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        I suppose as a follow up I should clarify if it's not illegal and people aren't harassing one another I'm not too bothered by it.

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        Mmm, thats something that always bugs me too with people as well, where everything has to be black of white, no grey zones. Its funny really you mention that since there is a massive debate going on in a gaming forum I frequent and it very much reminds me of that.

        Since it went a little bit of a moderator way, is there anything in particular the mods/you think members could be doing to help improve the place? (Tagging and reporting of course you mentioned already haha, but anything else I guess?)

        haha I've been trying to convince people I know on other art sites to join Weasyl too and I've definitely been seeing the people who complain about the place being inactive but won't be active themselves. -shakes fist- I've been trying to convince them to join and try it out anyway, I've had decent success so far. Some people just refuse to try though.

        For an unrelated question, what is your favourite shape and why? : D

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          Is the debate regarding gamergate? I know that's been going around lately, it makes me rather sad honestly because I see people I care about claiming "gamers are just sexist entitled consumerists and have no part of our culture" and it's like "d-dude...ouch"
          I consider myself to be a gamer, and in part that means for many enjoying the product to its full extent. interacting with a story, art, product to its full potential. Just because I like playing whatever game doesn't mean there can be no changes in the industry. I sure as hell don't want the industry killed off because some assholes were involved and the industry has been slow to diversify.
          I should stop before I get ranting, I'm just...sad about that kind of comment because it's that black and white that otherwise destroys a good thing.

          As for what people can do, being involved. Willing to talk to others on site, willing to actually report, and in some cases willing to accept that a broad site can't appeal to all of their desires. Not to say that staff will just outright ignore people, but there certainly have been times where people suggest something and when it doesn't happen treat it as an attack on themselves rather than seeing that it perhaps can't fulfill the role they want.

          Favorite shape...rhombus I think. I like it, a little awkward, a bit quirky, but its dependable.
          Definitely not squares, arrogant bastard shapes those squares. think they're soooo perfect.

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            Ugh GamerGate, I've stayed as far away from that discussion since it started as possible (except to see the opinions of a few youtubers I respect), being both feminist (something that can easily by called "SJW" by the people who like to overuse the label in negative connotation) and a gamer? I feel super attacked by both side of the arguments, and they are totally skirting the real problem, which is corruption in games media (IE payed out reviews and such) and instead attacking each other over pointless things.
            Nah this is just a site specific debate over if we should have a "what turns you on" thread which is kind a weird porn thread. Its mostly furry stuff, which on a gaming site? Isn't exactly popular. They do on the other hand happily host a "Hot girls" porn thread "hottest illustrated girls" "Cat girls" and more recently "hottest guys" thread. Considering most arguments against can be boiled down to "I don't like it therefore ban it" or "its a haven for loli and beastiality!" (both of which are banned in thread as well as everywhere else?), or "think of the children they can't see porn!"(but of course we will keep the hot girls thread at least, and hot guys thread so we arnt homophobes) it's just kinda really irritating. I'm ok if they remove all porn threads, although a little sad, since it isnt an 18+ site, but just removing the one is annoying and unfair, especially since its by popular vote of users who havent even bothered to check it out for themselves just listened to the few people loudly shouting how its all loli and beastiality ugh. I shouldn't rant about that here though oops haha

            Ah yeah, Ive seen that attitude a bit in the forums haha, people can be awfully self centred sometimes. I'll keep those ideas in mind, mostly stuff I do already :)

            Heheh ok So if rhombus is your fav, which shape would you say you identify with most? :3

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     maybe? That's at least what is identified with me :p. There have been jokes regarding my fursona, just stick a diamond on anything and it's instantly Fay "thing"

              Meh internet fights. I have long grown weary of them. I used to find it kinda funny but I don't have time now.

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                Hahahaa Yeah i think I heard that mentioned at some point

                Yeah I'm starting to feel that too, taking more and more breaks from the internet to just avoid big issues like GamerGate when they get too heated

  • Link your name? your quest? the capitol of Assyria?

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      Fay, I seek the holy grail, Assur (or more technically nothing, Assyria doesn't exist anymore)

      • Link

        Huh, always thought it was Nineveh. Assur was the original capitol, but either way, you are correct. Guess you learn something every day. :p

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          I mean, it's tough with a previous empire, but it was assur into the mid empire reign so that's the one I went with shrug

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            also since that's where the name assyria comes from :p

  • Link

    Do you like video games? If so what is your favorite platform and game?

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      I do indeed. My favorite game is Bioshock Infinite!
      My fav platform is PC, I just like the freedom of it, but I'll lay on my xbox, playstation, wii depending on the game.

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        I had the first Bioshock and it was pretty good. You might like Fallout 3 :)