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Current plans and status etc by ManaPuddingFox

Because I haven't updated here in a while~

I may be taking a small break from art stuff. I don't really have too much owed art (if any, they are owed to close friends from what it looks like). Reason being is, I got a lot of games to finish X3. For a while now I was so focused on art that I have kinda let my games sit off to the side. I want to complete SOME of them ya know? I mean for Christ's sake I STILL HAVEN'T BEATEN TWILIGHT PRINCESS. I'll probably break this hiatus from time to time but for the most part, taking a small break.

Why haven't I posted that much art prior to this? Christmas of course! Had to dedicate November and December to getting ready for Christmas- including painting some Christmas bulbs for a bunch of people. On top of that, winter isn't really my favorite season. I never do well during it. It gets too dark, too cold and it just bums me out. Arthur helped a bit though by giving me those neato daylight bulbs that are way brighter, but still I get a little wonky. I know I already posted on twitter that I am not doing a New Year's resolution (btw, not doing a New Years resolution :P) but I am going to try to be a little better. I don't want to freak out anymore (even if I do it silently) or make myself sad for no reason. Again, this mainly happens in winter- but this year was worse then last year and I don't want each winter in the future to keep getting worse.

Speaking about bettering and all that, going to be jumping back on my diet. I kinda stopped once during Hurricane Sandy, then again from Thanksgiving to now. It was fun eating whatever and stuffing my face from time to time, but I have to get back on track. It's a little harder now- I feel like I may have destroyed my progress and have become too afraid to step on the scale. Also, I'm less motivated. There are times I feel at peace with my shape. Other times, I am not. I'm still debating about my weight goal. I don't know, I don't know what I really want anymore with this. I could go on and on about this but wall of texts are not fun.

I guess to counter balance this journal I'm going to list a bunch of new things that are good (seeing this has now turned into a bawww journal- which was unintentional):

* Close friend has decided not to move away and move to somewhere much closer to Arthur and I then originally planned while still being able to continue his job

* Close friends just moved from their place to a new apartment. It's a little further but SO MUCH NICER for them.

* Will be getting a new/ upgraded computer soon. So I will be able to stream and play games online soon.

* Friend just got a new car which is super snazzy.

* I may be getting a new car (I hope).

* I am always reminded I have the best of friends- whether it is online friends, RL friends, or my boyfriend.

* Despite any short comings, Arthur is always by my side, as well as most of my friends.

On a side note, I am also thinking about painting again. I don't know if this will be relevant to followers since I wouldn't be painting furry related stuff. MIGHT paint animal stuff that I would post but I am not sure. The only definite thing I am painting is a grilled cheese. If you understand why and the reference then awesome~

Well, that's about it. Gotta help parents clean up Christmas stuff. Blargh.

Current plans and status etc


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