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Talk to me by Incisors

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    Not so good
    working a lot
    black purple
    what about you

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    Pretty good- just trying to paint my ass off mostly. And try to do this 'real life' thing.
    Vidya, Arting, children's card games- stuff like that. Colour- green.
    Place? Ummmm

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    Meh. Ups and downs.
    Arting, watching Markiplier, rping with the boyf.
    Uhhh the all of the above, plus herpetoculture, Pokemon....this is an increasingly shorter list every time I write it lol. Varies between neon green, electric blue, royal purple, and black. Usually black and blue though. Uhmm....Does my house count? I don't like leaving much lol. I enjoyed Mexico too when I went there. And I like a lot of the things in New York City (like the museums and whatnot).

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    I am extremely cranky right now, but I hope it'll pass :O I just came from work and had a huge bowl of salad, which I ate too fast so that my stomach hurts, but it was just soooo goooood ;w;
    My hobby obviously is drawing, and I love sharing it with the people here and on tumblr. My fave colour is black, which is also why I'm pretty gothy haha. And I loved visiting Spain in April this year. I've only been there for 2 days and I've cried the whole flight back cause it was so beautiful there!

    How are you doin, what do you usually dress like, whats your favourite meal / taste?

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      Aw ;o; I hope you're doing better!
      Spain sounds like a really wonderful visit, dangg. Never been out of continent, here.

      I'm doing ok. Much better at the moment than I was the other day, but I'm been a bit emotionally unstable.
      I almost always dress in Jeans and a T-shirt with a light jacket.
      I REALLY love crab legs, but other than that, I love those spicy chili Doritos UuU and orange juice

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        gives hugs Lets hope then, that you feel better soon too :>
        Believe it or not, I've had neither of your fave foods xD I live vegeterian tho for a couple years now, so I won't try the crab legs BUT we don't even have doritos here haha! I guess spicy chili is similar tho with other brands, and I definately like it :P I usually prefer the salt & pepper ones tho, especially when its these thick chips? Doritoa were those triangular things tho, right? xD
        And Orange Juice is and always will be one of my fav drinks too!
        Orange Juice High Five