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Red pandas and storify! by Mr Bumblepants

I'm really happy with my progress with the red pandas. I think it helps that I spent last year and the year before learning how to learn to draw. So this time I just have to pull up what I need to learn and then use it.

I'm also really happy to have discovered I have used it to collect together some drawing references, and I'm finding it invaluable! I know there are other places, like pinterest, that are useful for this purpose, but I personally find them hard to use. This one I think is very easy to organize, and all I have to do is plug in the links. No coding or anything required.

This is the Storify I made for red panda skulls and skeletons:

Tomorrow I will start practicing drawing by memory, and by referencing my own drawings. That's why I really wanted to get my basic proportions and structure down by the end of this weekend. My skills aren't perfect, but are good enough to start with. I intend to practice paying attention to what is going on around me, and draw characters based on that.

Red pandas and storify!

Mr Bumblepants

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