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Out of Town This Weekend by DrawHolic

I'll be out of town this weekend to help a friend out. That means there's a possibility I will be unable to post Saturday's page on Saturday. I'm about 80% certain I'll be able to post the page just fine, but on the off chance I'm unable to, you can head over to where every Wednesday and Saturday the new pages are posted automagically.

In addition, Patreon supporters pledging 50 cents or more every week have already gotten Saturday's page.

If you'd like to get early page postings, exclusive concept art, sneak peeks at upcoming page art, and more, consider supporting me over at Patreon.

For as little as 25 cents a week you can help support me as I work to bring you quality comics twice a week, every week! If half my art gallery followers pledged only 50 cents a week, that would add up to enough where I'd be able to survive on part time employment and boost comic production to 3 pages a week

If all of my followers pledged 50 cents a week, I'd be able to quit my day job entirely and work on the comic full time, bringing you five comic pages a week, every week, all year round! All that, for only 50 cents a week. That adds up to the price of a cup of coffee for each of my followers every month.

If you're enjoying the comic, please consider it!

Out of Town This Weekend


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