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So I was reading a hilariously racist article... by Zrcalo

So I was reading a hilariously racist article. It was about moral relativism and how it relates to various cultures by the means of evolution.... I MEAN RACE. AND HOW WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE BEST. COUGH COUGH. BECAUSE RACIST ARTICLE.

and got to thinking.... is morality an evolutionary trait anyway?
what is morality, and can you even have other "moralities"?

It's said that the golden rule is "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you"

I know personally, I lie and cheat if it does not hurt anyone, or if a person presents themselves as a cog in a machine.
ie; I find it moral to steal if it is mutually beneficial to my party and me without hurting anyone in the process.
ie; I find it moral to lie if it is mutually beneficial to my party and me. Especially if it protects someone I care about.

I do not believe that common christian morality is the standard that everyone should be held up to. Yes, many "morals" only work if everyone does them. (like the article stated) But, morals can be open windows to be taken advantage of (as the article stated). As humans are not perfect, and we do what benefits us, morals need to exist on a sliding scale.
I mistrust people. But I trust people after I get to know them.
If someone gives me a reason to mistrust them, then I will mistrust them whether I know them or not.

edit: today:
I am the biggest bullshitting liar on the face of the planet.
I am the weasliest of the weasels.
I'm that person that just nudges their way out of situations or into situations.

Such bullshit. Much wow.
I keep my promises though, I guess that's a good moral thing.
I find it helpful to my survival to play up my hand and bullshit excuses to either protect me or others, or to get something (that doesnt hurt others).
I think I keep talking in a circle. anyhow.

So I was reading a hilariously racist article...


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    Morality is taught. You either learn to be a good person on your own, or you learn it from others. Honestly, I think anyone with religion has screwy morals. They always find some way to inflict their religion "morally" upon others. They make 82% of their decisions, based on what god would, or would not want them to do.
    Frankly, I find it strange that, people can't just be good, regardless of what some imaginary friend thinks of them. Unfortunately, where there is doubt, there is "cognitive dissonance." Sometimes, people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance.
    It is, because it is so important to protect the core belief, that they will rationalize, ignore, and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief. That also goes to say that, people use god as an explanation. "God" is not an explanation. It is a placeholder for those lacking the courage, or the intellectual honesty to say, "I don't know."
    Yet, these are the same people, that say they have good morals. To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason, is like administering medicine to the dead. Though, morality is what you make of it. Even though, "good, and bad" are points of view. It is completely, and utterly dependent on the culture of your particular region.
    One person's morals could have a complete and utter clash of cultures, if it conflicts with someone else's "understanding" or lack there of. To me, being a moral, or just person, isn't about what you've been taught over the years. It isn't even what you've learned. It's simply about being a good person. However, religion, culture shock, and personal agenda have a huge role in how people behave.
    SO many people call themselves, good, or even moral Christians. Yet, I don't see many, if any of them giving their shirts off their backs to help the poor, or destitute. Morals are like judgement calls. However, SO many people are conflicted by what others will think of them, that they do the unmoral, or morally incorrect thing, by doing nothing.
    Their lack of acting, is the same as allowing it to happen. Imagine you see someone getting robbed. It would be morally correct to step in and try to help the victim. However, there are simply too many people who'd rather just catch it on camera, or do nothing.
    They're afraid of being righteous, or justified in their actions. So, like I said, morality is what you make of it. It also takes great gobs of courage to be a moral individual. Too many of us were brought up being little pussies.
    We're too easily offended, or wounded by simple things. We shut out the world too easily. "As long as it's not happening to me," right? I think a lot of people have some waking up to do.

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      DAYUM! Mind writing my college reports?

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        I don't mind, but I charge a high price.

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          Lol. I can spare a $10 watch and a half-chewed piece of gum.

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            Sorry, but I'll have to pass D:. Good luck with your reports!

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              Yeah, it'll be "fun" writing about the effects of X-Rays on different sized animals.

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                Be sure to include if it is moral, or immoral to do so!

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                  Don't worry, already have it in the thesis and all. I believe it is a better idea to be subject to radiation for a minute or two then die if a bone is puncturing an important bodily area, but it should be used sparingly to prevent radiation-related side effects.