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Do you use the internet? Of course you do. by Malachyte

Just in case there are still a few of your out there who have somehow missed hearing about the fight for Net Neutrality, or if you've heard, but decided to "take care of it later", I thought I should do my part and post a journal about it as well. Because without Net Neutrality, I lose my job as a freelance artist. So yeah, I care. A lot.

A lot of this info is copy+pasted from Marbles's journal about the topic:

This is a direct letter to the FCC
1) Click
2) Scroll to 14-28 Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet (direct link Make sure 14-28 is in the Proceeding Number)
3) Fill out the form and comment "I want Internet service providers classified as common carriers"
4) Done

A helpful explanation about the matter.

A helpful video to explain things for visual learners.

This is not something you should ignore and hope goes away. This is important, and it needs your attention. I don't care if the internet sounds like a broken record about it right now; it's worth it.

Do you use the internet? Of course you do.


Journal Information



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    Completely agreed, although being a resident of Canadurr, this issue isn't on the table like it is in the US. Most likely our politicians will try and match what the US does (as it did with the DMCA and copyright reform in general), so I really do hope the FCC sees this as the wake up call it is and not merely consumer grumbling.

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      Yeah, I'm really hoping that no country adopts this, because once it becomes acceptable somewhere, it has the chance to become acceptable everywhere.

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    That College Humor video summed it up incredibly well. Time for me to signal boost this one again.

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      Yeah, I'd seen the video a while ago, last time this all came up. I expect this issue to keep coming up for a long time, really. But I'm going to kick and scream every damn time.