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Repricing, input desired! by Lioness

What should I lower my prices to to make them more accessible? Please understand it literally kills me to even have to be considering underpricing my work but its gotten to the point where i havent got any other choices tbh
I.. because i personally cant get myself to think of too low prices, that's why I'm asking for input. I need y'all to tell me what the usual underpricing goes for haha

Repricing, input desired!


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    do you have a link to how much you charge because I have a bad memory but from what I do remember it wasn't overpriced at all D: I would say "people are stingy" but I think this is a case that the economy is kinda poopy so most folks can't invest in artsy fartsies ;A; the good news though from me is one thing I thought was going to cost me several hundred dollars ended up costing me nothing so come next month I should have the opportunity to commission a couple folks.

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      Well I have a few various options on tumblr, but here's the mirror for the ones here! I actually have the priced reduced on the tumblr post vs here (click the images for the prices)
      Idk time and time again I see everyone else getting commissions so I have to wonder if it's just my style haha
      I'm going to try to make another sheet w/ more than just portraits... hdff

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        :o that may be an idea! I think the prices aren't bad at all. I think folks are just more used to desperation commission prices which are essentially ON SALE prices. Cheese seems expensive when the only price you're comparing it to was the 50% off sale last week.

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          I just made a new thing for pricing, much more organized and understandable i think ehg... the problem w/ art sites is you cant keep reposting it as a reminder

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            yeah I just saw that now :o sorry for a slightly late reply I have been rather ill the last week or so so I've been mostly scootling around tumblr.