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Blaaargh Writer's Block by RedSavage

There's no more use denying it! Alas, the block is upon me.


But in all seriousness I've been pretty stuck. I've gotten bogged down on the editing of my novel, and so I reciprocated by throwing myself into a few short stories. None of them really panned out, and so I started writing a comic strip with another user on here, and it started off pretty good! But then I juggled back into trying to write everything and I got pretty burned out so now I'm stuck in the swamp-of-Blocksville.

I'll probably be writing a lot of stream of consciousness crap to keep my head above the water, and focusing on said comic script instead of stretching myself thin. Also do some more leisure reading. The former would be pretty meandering and pointless, and the latter is a collaboration that'll hopefully come under wraps later on.

I can also pretty much boil it all down to a lot of home an work stress at the same time. Doctor also upped my estro dosage, so the sudden stress dump this week has been a sort of perfect storm in a way. My father went and brought my spaced-out pill popping brother back from his place up by Dallas, and then dropped him off just up the road about thirty minutes with a crazy lady who lets him sit on her couch all the time. I'm being cynical about that situation in general even though it doesn't concern me.

What does concern me is that my father enables my brothers behavior by saying he's "mentally ill" from his year of drug use, and then condemns my transgender identity as a "mental issue" from my years of drug use. So--obviously a clear bias going on. Dad is convinced it's all a 'phase' and that I'm not a girl because yadda-yadda so on and that I only decided that I was trans cause I was hanging around a buncha gay folk and they told me so and blah blah.

All... very tiring. I started to argue, and then I figured, well, no point really. He's got his little delusion going on. Obviously I'm not going to pull him out from it. I'm just gonna have to do me and put up with it. I'm not even -mad- so much as I am saddened by his willingly ignorant behavior.

And that's about it I guess. I need some time to cool off and refocus my creativity via books and poems and such.

So that said---anyone posted and writings as of late I might be interested in? I could use some healthy distractions.

Cheers <33


Blaaargh Writer's Block


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