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#gameovergate by LudoCrow

Coming from a family that has often dealt with slander, negative rumors thrown against my parents as well as how I've often been bullied as a child myself... #gameovergate couldn't make happier.

It's always great to see when the victim of a group of bullies not only resist their intimidation and harassment campaigns, but might potentially have just managed to literally turn the table on their collective faces and asses.



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    I am SO amused by how this played out. My favorite comment from her was something along the lines of "I make video games, did you think I didn't know how the internet works?"

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      That is indeed one of the moment I found the most hilarious.
      Seriously, after all the crap that happened, the people who'd left the industry over threats, intimidation and the hacking of personal informations... I couldn't be happier to see such a resolution and can only hope for the legal come-uppance these bullies deserve.

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        I love how they scrambled to try to hide, too late, when they realized she'd been watching and documenting the whole thing. Like cockroaches when you turn the light on.

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          This said, I'd like the assholes who keeps harassing Jenn Frank to effing stop.

          She wrote a piece in favor of Zoe Quinn, then was bullied and harassed out of her job by a mob when it was "discovered" that one of Zoe's supporters donated to Frank's Patreon. They're still harassing and claiming her losing/quitting her job was "deserved" for writing a "pro-Quinn piece". The funny part was she originally wished to include a footnote in her article divulging she had those supporters on her Patreons, but the Guardian editors felt it was too minor to worth noting and nixed it from the article re-adding it(as well as mentionning it was -their- decision to nix it) when the shitstorm happened. But that was already too late.

          And now, to address issues of "integrity", places like Kotaku forbids their writers from writing about people who might donate their Patreon in such a wording it makes it hard for independent/freelance writers to remain such.

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            I hadn't even HEARD of the Jenn Frank business. :/ That's absolutely terrible. What is WRONG with these people?

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              "Must not let social justice warriors destroy our vidja-garmes", apparently :/

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                That a "hobby"(and gosh I do enjoy video game myself) can so engender such a toxic "fan" base though is still something I can't believe nor understand.