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So wait, where are those commissions? (Delivery delay) by Jin&Tonic

Well- the short of it is that they’re not turning out as easily as I’d planned and I’m gonna need to push the delivery back a week (Sunday, 7th). I want to make sure I deliver the best quality stuff that I can, but if any of you guys aren’t feeling up to the extra wait, just let me know and we’ll get a refund worked out.

The long of it is- well

I’ve just been drawing a literal and figurative blank all week, guys. Like- maybe I’m just out of practice for having more creative freedom with commissions, but nothing seems to be coming to me like it used to. What little I’ve forced myself to churn out is, frankly, garbage, and I need to rework those.

To be honest, this is kinda a big bummer for me. I feel like I’ve sorta- atrophied somehow. But I’ll make these comms happen, promise.

So wait, where are those commissions? (Delivery delay)


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  • Link

    all is gewd man, take as long as ya need to get outta your slump :3
    sure everyone understands!

  • Link

    Can't rush these kinds of things, patience on both sides is needed~♪

  • Link

    i will forgive you if you make sure to put extra effort into my characters left eyebrow
    only the left. you won't be forgiven if the right is equal or greater quality.

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    Well, if you're feeling that your creativity is atrophied from doing mostly stream sketches, I'd suggest that you set aside as much time as you can without screwing up your income too badly and do personal art that you have complete control over, just so you can keep that part of your brain from getting rusted up. Or even take some wing-it type commissions on a more regular basis. That way, you can keep your more creative part of your mind from getting rusty without screwing up your financial income too much!

  • Link

    I don't see much a problem, it's not like you're a printer that takes no time to put up the pic. I'm having like thousands of pictures with 3 words in my mind and i wouldn't rush on it. Don't worry!