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Random Updates and Where to Find Me! by Kiha

I feel like it's been forever since I've written up a proper journal. :T Oops. Sorry, folks!

In a nutshell: Life has been going pretty good the last little while. Had another depressive bout that had me basically avoiding the internet altogether for a few days, but I'm feeling significantly better as of late. I've had a few job interviews in the last few weeks and I've got another one on Tuesday for Best Buy, and so far? My chances are looking really good over there. If I get the job, I'll be getting paid like $2 more per hour than I am now, which would suuuper help with rent and whatnot-- even if I just get part-time over there I'll still be making more than my current job. So that'll be a load off my shoulders.

My mermaid tail is making beautiful progress! The WIP pics I've seen so far have been stunning, and I'm SO pumped. ;w; There were a few snags along the way that meant things getting delayed, but so far the wait's been absolutely worth it. I believe she just needs to add another coat of paint and then it's ready for assembly and in the mail! It's likely I won't get the chance to do any outdoor swimming with it this year, because now it's constantly cold and raining as fall starts creeping in, but next year? Awwwwhhh buddy. <3 Whether it's outside or at an indoor pool, I am ITCHING to take her for her first swim!

In other news, I'm getting more and more into my art again, getting back into some old hobbies. Slowly building my online presence back up again. While I'm still sort of hesitant about the furry fandom, I'm hanging out on Furcadia again-- You can find me at The Sleazy Ferret dream as Starfrit! I don't roleplay very much, though, and I stay waaayyy the hell away from sex-RPs. :P

I'm also on FlightRising as Starfrit, LiveJournal as DuctTapeNinja, and the MerNetwork forums as Tieri. :D Feel free to friend me or poke me on there, too, if you want!

Random Updates and Where to Find Me!


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