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On Farting and Screaming! I mean... Arting and Streaming. by Jaxen

So I do art, yep. Some for myself. Sometimes a commission here and there. I should probably do more art than I do. (I should definitely do more art than I do, I know.)

Some of my favorite artists and fuzzy people stream, and they do so frequently. Pretty much every time they make art. It almost seems like that's the default mode of the digital furry artist: streaming while they work and being social and having a good ol' time of it.

I want to do that too! I have the software, and I have the Livestream account, and streaming site doohicky all set up.

But I get myself all psyched up to do it, tablet a-blazin', and I turn on the feed, and... I get SUPER FUCKING SELF CONSCIOUS. Because now people are watching. They're watching me screw up lines over and over. They're watching me draw the anatomy all fucked up. They're watching me forget things, or get things wrong. And it stresses me right the fuck out. My art is naked, man. Exposed for the sham it is! Why am I even doing this?!


And all that is absurd, I know. But it still kinda freaks me out, especially if it's commission work. I know I just have to put on my big boy pants and get over it, but it seriously inhibits my whole process if I feel like people are totally judging me (even if I know they're not).

So if you were wondering, that's why you don't really see me stream very often.

On Farting and Screaming! I mean... Arting and Streaming.


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