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RMFC and Life Updates by Lacus

Rocky Mountain Fur Con was a blast and I met a certain awesome foxy there. -much blushing and happy squeaking- So, that basically covers that base.

As for other aspects of my life, I am increasingly tired of mistreatment from the brother and his fiancee (male) with whom I currently share living space.

I could go on and on, but basically, this treatment of me makes me incredibly unhappy and unstable. My partner and I both agree after much discussion that a relocation would be for the best.

My parents have offered me living space, rent-free and with some help re: groceries. I was hesitant, as they live in a rural area near Monument, so I last weekend I went down there I looked into the job market.

As it turns out, there is not as much of a saturation of people looking for jobs. I have gotten a wonderful reception from managers in the area upon giving out numerous copies of my resume.

Also, I am most certainly getting a car later this month or next, which will make getting around a much easier endeavor.

Thus, I have finalized the decision that I will be moving back in with the folks. Current goals are as follows:

  • Get a decent job or two so I can start saving money
  • Get my car situation all sorted out
  • Find a nice place to live in Monument or CO springs area

This weekend is when I am getting a great deal of my stuff moved out there, courtesy of a really wonderful friend of mine and my ever so awesome partner.

I am also going to be going to CO springs fur meets as well as attempting to make the Front Range one every month. So I will certainly be around in the Furry Community, and some of my friends I may see more often now! (Like Mazz, HI I MISS YOU, sorry we fell out of contact, life has been NUCKING FUTS!)

Once life is a bit more settled, I will be formatting and making my Tumblr available to everyone, there will likely be a sketch everyday or every other day, and I will be trying to complete a finished piece each week for posting on Tumblr and Weasyl!

So hooray, life changes, awesomeness, moving, car ownership, all the good stuff. :3

RMFC and Life Updates


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