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Regarding The Use of the Word "Herm" by EbonyChimera

Sorry, but after a lengthy discussion with many people on the net and off the net about this subject. Here's what I'm going to do:

Refer furry characters depicted in pornography with more than one set of genitalia as herms. Refer real people as Intersexed individuals.

That's what I'm going to do. If I offend you, I apologize in advance, but there is no concrete 100% politically correct term that I can think of to refer furry porn characters depicted in such subjects that won't offend people.

This is particularly the main reason why I don't accept work pertaining to aforementioned subject. It tends to bring drama that simply isn't needed.

Regarding The Use of the Word "Herm"


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    I feel sorry that might be an issue. Drama llamas seems to get really upset when you use the scientifically correct terms (if you look up medical literature, they do refer to people with mixed sex as hermaphrodites)

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      Actually, no they don't--not anymore. That term has been deemed obsolete when referring to people, and "intersex" is the correct word.

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    That and I see a lot of people marking transgirls as herms which just boggles my mind as well @_@

    Inigo Montoya put it best...

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    Aaaaahhh a part of me wants to say something, but another doesn't want to because I don't want to start drama. Tbh, calling a furry 'herm' an intersexual wouldn't be correct anyway (unless they had anatomy very similar to an intersexual irl), but imo I don't feel many are 'true hermaphrodites' either.

    Intersexual and true hermaphrodites are kinda different from one another, thus was why 'intersexual' was being used in place over sometime. I didn't fully understand the difference myself until I looked at actual photos and diagrams displaying the reproductive system of a fully hermaphroditic animal (like the slug) to mammalian intersexuals. Then there's the part of looking at how sex develops in fetuses. Intersexuality is more of a medical condition where your sexual organs weren't completely developed as you were growing in the womb compared to a creature like a slug or bass that have specific genes that allow them to be born with hermaphroditic organs in their reproductive system.

    Now days, intersexuals that are considered 'true hermaphrodites' in medical terms are those born with the organ 'ovotestis'--which exists in hermaphroditic animals. So from what I get, hermaphrodites are their own complete sex as an intersexual is more of a medical condition where you're incomplete/stuck between the sexes.

    So really, it'd be hard to differentiate this sort of thing with furry characters unless you actually knew about the subject matter, and even then, there would be no politically correct term existing to categorize what furry is to be considered more of a true herm, intersexual or something completely fictitious and non existent/fetish fueled. So yeah, I have a hard time with this when I'm explaining to a customer or friend what I will and wont try when it comes to hermaphroditic characters, because not everyone is aware of this sort of thing.

    It's kinda why I just draw characters I like, yet avoid most. I like this subject matter but because of that i'm extremely picky about drawing these types of characters myself. |D;;;

    Sorry if my wording maybe off, I don't mean to offend, just educate and this topic is a really complicated one and not very easy to explain. lol

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      Thank you, being a biology student, I appreciate this to no end

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      A hermaphrodite is something with both sexual organs that are fully functional. There hasn't been a proven case of that in humans, which is why when talking about people "intersex" is now the correct term. While it is somewhat a blanket term, it's still fairly simple--people born with ambiguous genitals and/or both female and male sexual characteristics are considered intersex.

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    Personally, I think you're well within your rights to make your stance known on this. The less drama out there, the better.