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what kind of things would you be interested in commission wise? by RUDE

mostly along the lines of adopts/ych things but also as far as commission themes go?

generally most of the designs/situations I try to sell seems to just not pique any interest.
And while it is disheartening , I'd rather dig for input than pity on the subject

while we are at it are there any themes you guys might want to see for smaller scale/priced commissions?
along the lines of themes stuff where input would be low but I wouldn't charge to heavy

what kind of things would you be interested in commission wise?


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    While I feel my input probably won't be terribly helpful, I figure I'd say something instead of leaving without saying anything... I tend to be rather random whenn it comes to commissioning things. Mostly I have a "flavor of the week" which is just something I feel is enticing more than other things during a period of time.

    That said, sometimes general themed commissions could spark more interest, perhaps? Like maybe offer a wing-it style something or other with a particular theme for a flat price?

    I also wanted to mention that I was pretty tempted to get one of the ych flats you advertised for krotky... :v maybe I should get one after all :D

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      take your time! I doubt they are going anywhere and it's not like there is a deadline

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      and yeah I was thinking along the lies of wing its but I was wondering what themes people might want

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        Bondage and blowjobs are usually pretty popular. And butts. That might just be me, though :B

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    maybe a adopt system bases on features and things that can make a character, then a person puts X amount of dollars down and has you randomize the pieces to make a character idk. sounds cool in concept at least.

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      then there's badges i want of tuck that amount to me just wanting to play dress up as my favorite characters lol, i know i still want that tucker in black dragon armor from berserk doe~