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Guardians of the Dragon Conqueror 2 by DeRiften

Oh man was it hot as fuck today. Went to do the groceries and I sweated so much I changed shirts when I came back (though the main reason I changed shirts was to look fancier for my date because I'm shallow like that (was looking for another word but I'm having a blank and it's too late for it to come back)

Date which, by the way, was pretty fun. We were supposed to watch How to Train your Dragon 2 (which I mistyped last journal) but it wasn't playing today so we settled for Guardians of the Galaxy instead and it was awesome. Sure the ships are ripped off from Dead Space and the city from Mass Effect, but Rocket Raccoon is adorable so that makes up for it. After the movie, he tried accompanying me back to the bus stop but we got lost multiple times and eventually went around the entire building somehow and ending up where we started, before seeing a path that cut right through it and to the bus stop :P

Oh and as I planned, I finished the Last Remnant's storyline and the ending was pretty disappointing and predictable; I could see coming from a mile away. Nevertheless, it was an awesome game and I plan to do a complete playthrough of it someday. 118 hours for a first playthrough in a 2.50$ is still pretty good, though. Buy it next time it goes on sale!

Guardians of the Dragon Conqueror 2


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    I just finally sat down and finished DA2 myself .. SO CAN'T NOT wait till nov for DA:I

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      I don't know how that's relevant to the journal but yeah, I can't wait either. It's a shame they delayed it to November but hopefully it'll only be better quality because of that.

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        I finished the Last Remnant's storyline <---I was commenting on a game I finished.. So its relevant to the journal cause you talked about a game you finished so I talked about a game I finished :D