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Weekend report: Puttin in the effort by Jitters

Hey guys
Looking at what I my limitations are with better hardware, I am going to try to make an attempt at posting at least one solid finished piece every weekend and on top of that try to get back into my daily sketch routine.

Back log
Last weekend when I posted all those pictures I couldn't help but upload more then one picture so I just threw up back logged art work that I wasn't sure how to finish, The front shot of Grape Kanga being the example here. I have an entire folder of stuff that hasn't even seen the light of day because the way my head space operates I will start one picture put it down to come back to it and then when I go to do any thing with it a new idea forms and I cant help but move on, (yay adhd sucks). I am going to make an attempt at bringing these works to life as well however seeing as how new thoughts always appear I can't really hold a promise on this one, sorry T-T.

Also I am still offering pay what you want single character sketch commissions for these the price have to be above at least 2 dollars because pay pall likes to tax shit so I guess in that respect its pay what you want as long as its over 2 dollars
eye roll semantics woot!
also If you are interested in one of my sketch commissions and you want additional characters added to the piece
it will be an additional 5 dollars for each additional character.
((Example flat colored sketch: ))

As for doing comic strips I am still doing research on how to make decent looking comics. unlike last time when I did the plush bunny tf (I really felt like that one looked like utter shit) the next strip I do I have plans on turning into an adventure series involving transformation. I have the first chapter drawn out and I have begun the clean up phase so the first part of that should be finished soon.

Thank you for reading my TL;DR weekend update I will try to post another one next Sunday if I don't get off track again.

Ya'll are awesome

Weekend report: Puttin in the effort


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