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Know Your Cook! by KajTaotsu

The Basics

Name: Thomas
Nickname: Tommy, Kaj, Kaji
Location: Northcentral Texas
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"-6'
Zodiac sign: Libra, monkey
Any pets: mini schnauzer named Summer
Favorite thing about yourself: I can cook :D
Worst habit: procrastinating, stubborn
Fun fact: My first broken bone ever happened a year and half ago and was my right foot's pinkie toe... which I broke as I tried to learn how to do the Charleston dance move...

Identity, Sexuality & Personality

Gender identity: Male
Sexual preference: Gaaaayyyy
Romantic preference: Love hath no gender
"Kinsey Scale" score: 1 being Straight, 5 being Gay, Im a 4
Relationship status: Taken!
Myers/Briggs type: I have no fucking clue, tbh...
Hogwarts house: Pretty sure I'd end up either in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw


"Early Bird" or "Night Owl": Night Owl. I love the mornings but I hate waking up
Bath or shower: Shower, but there are nights where I just want to soak
First thought in the morning: ..It's only 10am? I...can go back to sleep...yeahh....
Last thought before falling asleep at night: And now, The Weather...

Do you work or are you a student: both, part-time worker, full-time student
What do you do well: Cooking, designing, video games
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: I hope to either be one of the head cooks at whatever restaurant I work at, and/or be starting up the first parts towards getting my own diner.

Habits (Do you…?)

Drink: occasionally
Smoke: nope, allergic to something in cigarette/cigar smoke. Hookah and vapor are fine to be around though, they're like incense to me
Do Drugs: Is minecraft a drug..?
Exercise: AHAHAHAHA.......fuck
Have a go-to comfort food: hotpockets, hot&spicy cheezits
Have a nervous habit: Get super quiet and shy

What is your favorite…?

Physical quality (in yourself): eyes, hair. arms, and butt :3
In Others: depends but it's usually their personality
Mental/emotional quality (in yourself): I've overcome a lot since middle school (my three years of depressional hell) and am happy with who I've become since then.
Food: Mac&Cheese, cheesesticks, deviled eggs, pizza, soup, pastas in general
Drink: chai tea!
Animal: tigers, otters, cheetahs, hyenas
Artist/Band/Group: Abney Park, Foster The People, Steam Powered Giraffe, Caravan Palace
Author/Poet: JK Rowley, Brian Jacques (RIP, sir..)
TV Show: cooking shows, Firefly, Supernatural, Gravity Falls, Last Exile, Tsubasa, DNAngel, Xiaolin Showdown
Actor/Actress: Robert Downey Junior and Johnny Depp <3
Blogger: my tumblr dashboard in general

Know Your Cook!


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