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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Review - All movies) by JohnStripedfur

Ever since I could remember, I've been a fan of the Ninja Turtles. I use to watch the old cartoon series religiously and I had the original action figures of the original cast. Hard to believe that they've been around for 30 years and had many revisions and updates. And this weekend, we got the latest update. The TMNT movie produced by Michael Bay. It's the movie everybody dreads about. Fearing that it'll be just like the Transformers live action flicks. All CGI action and little story.

Well, before I get to the actual review, here's what I think of all the past TMNT movies.

[b]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)[/b]: I remember the first time I heard they were making a motion picture of the Turtles. I went nuts and begged my parents to take me to go see it. I still have fond memories of the movie. The movie is pretty family friendly in today's terms, but still a bit of dark in it. A mixture of the current cartoon show of the time and the old comics that started it all. All the turtles back then were animatronic and in costume. Back then, they looked very realistic. Still holds up today. The story is still pretty solid and even though the humor is a bit dated, it's still an enjoyable film.

[b]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze[/b]: This one is my most favorite. A bit more sillier than the first one and not as dark and there's a different actress playing April O'Neal, but the action is still entertaining. Hasn't aged very well. Especially with the famous scene with Vanilla Ice singing Ninja Rap. I still listen to that song. Go ninja, go ninja, go! :P But, I still enjoy it. Got some great one liners and the one time when the wrestler Kevin Nash actually got some good acting skills when he was The Super Shredder.

[b]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III/b: Back then, fans considered this the worse in the franchise. It was more silly than the last one and the turtles look very different than the last movie. Casey Jones returned, but was only in a couple scenes. A bit entertaining and the story is pretty decent, but needed better direction. I think that's one of the major problems with the turtle movies. Especially ones down the road.

[b]TMNT/b: Now this one was considered the worse as well. Not only was it terribly paced and edited, but the movie had no idea if wanted to be it's own or be part of the current cartoon show back then or a sequel to the past live action movies. But, despite the bad editing, bad pacing, and bad directing (Weinstein Company at their finest), the story is pretty well done. Even though it's almost like a fanfic at times. A few of their scenes were pretty good, but overshadowed by what I said. It could've been better.

The Main Review

[b]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)[/b]:

I came to see this movie with some optimism. Hoping that it would still have some nostalgia feel that I had with the turtles during my childhood. There are a lot of major changes they've done for the story, origins, and setting. But, the personalities of the turtles and other characters are still intact. Megan Fox is still not April O'Neal, but she played the role pretty decent. I don't think she's a great actress still, but I can tell she tries hard since this is the movie she wanted to be in for a long time. According to her statements. The villain, Shredder, has kind of a let down. He wasn't as intimidating as the past Shredders even though his suit was pretty awesome. Need to tone down the usage of so many blades, though. The action scenes were pretty good, even though it's heavily CGIed. The story on the other hand, was very predictable and forced. You can tell there's a lot of last minute changes and the plot felt like an episode of the old Saturday morning cartoons.

Overall, I would say that this one is not the WORST movie of the entire franchise. It's kind of better than TMNT 3 and the animated TMNT. It's kind of a toss up between the two. So, it's just a matter of choice and your preference on which is the worst of the franchise. For the best, however, I would go with the first movie ever made. The story and plot are solid, the puppets still hold up, and the action scenes are still fun to watch.

Which do you think is the best and the worst?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Review - All movies)


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