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EuroFurence 20 Photography challenge! by FotoFurNL

Hi there FotoFriend,

It is almost time to move sideways on the map and head to Germany for EuroFurence 20! More than 2000 Furries will be attending and that means there will be over a 1000 fursuits!
For me that is the perfect place to be! Lots of pretty fursuiters and me and my camera running around chasing them for that perfect shot!

I am hoping to meet as many of you guys and girls as possible, so if you are attending this convention as well please do leave a comment right here and we will stay in touch! You can also always send me a tweet via @FotoFurNL, I will be using Twitter for most of my communication during the convention!

At the convention I will be photographing a LOT! I have set myself a challenge to do 10 photo shoots every single day of the convention and to invite fursuiters that I like a lot I had special tokens made to hand out! When I give a token to a fursuiter they can contact me and arrange a time that day for their personal photo shoot! Of course I need the tags again the next day so those suiters who receive one can give it back at the start of their photo shoot! It could be you and your suit!

Here's a photo of the FotoFurNL Tokens:

Recently I have taken a huge step and bought a brand new camera! I am now the proud owner of a Nikon D610 Full Frame DSLR! This is a giant leap forward and the quality and functionality of this camera leaves me flabbergasted already! It produces such extremely high quality images and I just can't wait to do my first fursuit photoshoot with it! Expect many photos with amazing quality! The photo above of the FFNL tokens was also shot with my Nikon D610!

within a few days I will post a collage of myself, my fursuit and some extra information so that those of you who are attending EuroFurence will be able to recognize me! Don't be shy and come say hi!! (and have a photo taken that I will post on the FotoFurNL Twitter account!


EuroFurence 20 Photography challenge!


Journal Information
