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Grrrrr by Hollyfox

I hate this site. I can not post a NON pornographic fursuit picture because it said "Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. it will be graded". Heck the words are not even profane! because I am holding this sign. You can see this picture on inkbunny and FA and other places as well. The internet hides nothing. Anything that some feminist doesn't like gets taken down because oh it will cause all the fursuiter to get molested at a con. Did everyone just loose there brain cells? One picture means everyone is going to loose their shit and all sudden everyone is going to molest everything in eyesite? Really??? This really upsets me to no end that anyone would assume that population is that stupid.

People who do not know me, never met me all off a sudden think I am a totally bitch because refuse to apologize to a bunch of rape victims over a photo they found offensive. When did their rape become my problem! I NEVER assaulted anyone and the photo was not taken with any malice once so ever. I have showed the photo over and over to many people who all LAUGH! Yes all those people LAUGHED at the photo cause they found it funny. Not just me.. but lots of other furries and non furries alike. It was never about bashing rape victims. It was never about making fun of anyone but myself.

If I had been a MALE and posted with the same sign, that would someone how be OK but because I am a girl, my picture gets taken down. because some other girl got offended and it didn't like it. Because some feminist drama llama bored ass teenager somewhere got butt hurt because I didn't like them making snarky comments on my page. SERIOUSLY! I do not have a right to get pissed when people attack me! or make snarky comments on my page! If I go to someone else's page and make the same remarks, I am in trouble. What is so hard about not watching me if you don't like me or the things I post! It is sooo simple!

As I result, and the pure lack of support. I do not feel I can post anything here without being attacked for it in some way. The funny thing is, that I am a non sexual furry! I never post anything truly dirty at all and if anyone knows me anything about me, I go to great lengths to help other in their time of need. I give stuff away for free, I draw for free, and I am constantly doing something nice for other people. I do not go around tearing others down and I try to be best friend anyone could have. But here I get nothing but disrespect from the administration..

Weasyl you severely disappoint me..



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    And I understand... but u shouldn't let them get to you like that. I was reading.. and it seemed they had some good points. But again, there is always a good way of putting it, and some of that wasn't the best way possible. I mean I truly understand about that they really suffered that experience, some might have thought u were making fun on it and got really upset. But again people respond to pictures in a way they see fit.

    You might have done it for one way and others thought about it in a WHOLE new light. -holds paws up- I am not dissing or turning down your opinion, I am on the outside looking in and I also do not have anger clouding my opinions on everyone. I read their things and I get it, and if it seemed to offend some people I would recommend taking it down from here. But in NO way did it make them right for spitting out their opinion to you in the way that they did.

    And honestly they might not have been trying to make it sound like that, as I have a tendency to misinterpret words as well (ask my sis lol).

    So at the end of this... I have a small conclusion, as most if not all of this was misunderstood interpretation.

    But do not let this get u down... -touches your cheeks- you learn from this and you get up dust yourself off, and continue to live. Because soon this will be nothing but a memory and not much will be talked about it.

    Just learn from it.... -hugs-

    Love ya,


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      They can not force their opinion down my throat. There comes a point were someone is being overly sensitive. Everything can be joked about in the right way. That one jerk said "I do not care what you do as long as it doesn't offend me" . Who died and made him GOD! They world doesn't revolve around those jerks. I ask that person to never contact me again and his opinion is NOT welcome. I will not listen to it even if he were to set himself on fire.. I am just that upset over this.

      I noticed that someone made 3 copies of this same journal to cover themselves. All they wanted to do was bash me. Cause they felt they were right. Ganging up one some as stubborn as myself will not work. I have no desire to make fun of rape of sexual harassment victims, but just because that happens does not give them the right to assume that my photo was about them. If I wrote something mean, I could understand, but nothing I said was mean or vicious in my photo ... but since they are offended...they need an apology and I do not owe their stupidity anything, Especially when they use gang mentality to force their view point on to me.. at that point they are being abusive because I am not going to them.. they are coming to me.

      hugs your approach is far more welcome... I just can not stand the hyprocratcy of allowing rape art, baby fur art, vore art, skat art, etc and yet someone feels they need to sensor my off color joke. I could understand if they asked that I would label it 'Adult" or "mature' that would be fair if the content was such but to remove it and beat me down and villainize me was out of line and they should be ashamed off themselves. They are no better then people who rapist themselves... cause that is what it is forcing your will onto someone else. .. that is what those people were doing...

      The way you approach things is better.. hugs

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        -nuzzles- people are hypocrites.. sadly.. -shakes head- it is not good, but some people end up having the displeasure of meeting these type of people, but in a way it teaches you to be stronger. -smiles-

        I do not want you to waste your life for something like this!! -smiles- then I won't be able to meet my amazing friend in person!! -wiggles happily-

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    Just showing my support. The picture was awesome and so are you. Don't let these whining morons get to you; in fact it's refreshing to see people with their sense of humor intact.
